Interlude: More Fragments

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A few shorts in the Travellers life, too short to be on there own. Thank you philippaki to donating a mini shot


"I... don't think this came out right?" Traveller said, starting at the knitted blanket he's been making.. or rather trying to make.

They held is up and stared.

"Why does it look like a cat mauled it?" he pouted.

This.. was Travellers ever first knitting attempt.

He'd learn, mostly because a passing Error got annoyed by the abomination blanket.

A Galaxy for him

A humming filed the air as Traveller quilted of all things, his eye lights shifting through colors quickly as he did.

He'd been working on this project for weeks, worth all the lost sleep.

After all he had no idea when his sibling would drop by.

"Its nice to make things by hand, not just by magic," he hummed, for as he made it he infused his hope and love for Karma into it.

"Done," he said pleased, looking at the quilt pleased, each quilt patch was a moving piece universe making the whole quilt a beautiful moving space. He hoped the eternal babybones liked it, he could leave it here or take it on his journeys to have a nest wherever he was.

Happily he went to his siblings room spreading the warm quilt on the bed, and grinning adding the pillows he added to match. There was even a matching pair of galaxy themes pajamas.

He wasn't spoiling his sibling.


Okay he totally was...

Well.. at least he wasn't a bro con.

Just.. ewww

"Nope nope nope nope!"

This the Traveller screamed as he slammed out of a multiverse door, slammed in closed and then destroyed said door so he'd never find a way in ever again.

There was something wrong, when there was a Lustverse and the main Lust was a super pervert and tried to flirt with him.


just no...

Pedo Lust.... ewww.

Tea for two

"I always seem to find you in a teatale," Traveller said sipping his tea.

"That's because you always look for me in tea related places," Shell grinned.

"So hows it going?" Traveller asked.

"Interesting..." Shell said after a moment.

"How so?" Traveller asked, knowing that Shell's true self acted as a seal for a Multiverse called Memoryverse.

"I... regained my memories of before, its difficult," Shell responded face pained.

"Hey... everything will work out," the child said trying to cheer his friend.

"Thank you Traveller, I just hope it does... there are many others lost," the other sighed.

"Then, find them," Traveller grinned.

"Your a good kid," Shell said rubbing Travellers skull.

"Hey," Traveller protested, Shell laughed at his expression.


Traveller Lay on the ground wings curled around him, watching the sky of a random outertale a smile on his face.

And then brother took me camping! Arco chirped excited about Fresh 404, the tiny bitty vibrating happily that he could even feel from here.

I'm glad you had fun Traveller responded

This is my brother!...why are you shaking? Donated by philippaki

Karma watched as Oneiro stared at his brother, with a blank expression and shifted in unease.

They hadn't looked away from each other, after he had introduced them to each other and he was starting to feel a tad unnerved. He was about to speak up when his brother turned to him and gave him a bright smile, helping to soothe his worries.

"Why don't you go and grab a treat, Karma? I need a with your caretaker here"

Karma perked up at the idea and eagerly left to go and grab the largest one he could. Oneiro usually limited his intake, talking about there being such a thing as 'too much chocolate'.

Such a silly thing to say. He knew there was no such thing.

When he came back he was puzzled why Oneiro looked so pale but was distracted when his brother lifted him up and held him close.

"That was super quick, little nebula. Did you have fun?"

"Yeah! I even found a place that has ten different types of chocolate!"

"Really? Tell me more"

He eagerly did but too soon his brother had to go.

When he was handed to Oneiro, he cuddled into them and sadly waved goodbye to his brother, hoping he would see them again soon.

"Your brother is...interesting, little crow"

"I know. Isn't he great?"

Karma chirped in confusion when he felt a shiver run though Oneiros body and their grip on him tightened.


Karma nodded in agreement, wondering if Oneiro was feeling hungry. It would explain all the shivering they were doing. Maybe he would share some of the chocolate he bought....maybe.


He's doing well


He's making bonds, family. Things to tie him to reality the first said.

That won't change the outcome if he fails the second responded.

We still have time

Do we?

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