Chapter Two: Meetings and Libraries

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Sadly... you won't get some parts/characters of this chappy unless you read other stories of mine and another writers, it has spoilers.. kinda?

"This.. is not working," Goth said allowing the book to slip closed, he lay his forehead on top of the book.

(Aw come on Gothy! Don't give up!) Palette cheered, at the moment Goth was in charge of the body as Palette was bored of books so was in a ghost like state on he could see.

He rubbed above his nose, careful not to nudge there eyepatch out of the way, when they merged the right eye became a large purple eyelight light Goth, and the left stayed as Palettes.

But Palettes eye told way to many people that he was related to Ink, and that was a bad thing in some multiverses. So eyepatch to hide it. The merge had also shifted the body slightly shorter, so thankfully nothing screamed Goth or Palette about this body.

"I don't think were going to find an almost exact multiverse like ours without us in it," Goth replied getting up, he quickly re-shelved the book.

(Maybe we could ask for help? Maybe that Goth called Retconned or that funny Mr Ink!) Palette suggested.

"His name was Shell Pally, and we really need to come up with a nickname for ourselves instead of telling everyone to call us Traveller," Goth said rolling his eyelight.

(But Traveller is cool) Palette said smiling.

"Fine..." Goth giggled pulling anther book open from there pile of books.

((And also remember to talk like this so people don't think were nuts)) Goth replied.

(Why did we jump forward in time anyway?) Palette asked finally.

((The admins are ahead of schedual)) Goth replied dryly.

(That makes no sense!) Palette protested.

((What part of this Multiversal Library makes sense?")) Goth asked.


((That's what I thought)) Goth said amused.

Goth contemplated taking of the golden-brown robes off or pulling the hood off, as it was quite warm here. But as his hands touched the familiar skull pin he stopped, his only remainder of his family and his own body. The boots matched, and wore wore faded black fingerless gloves.

"I need to clear my mind," Goth sighed getting up, and started walking.

A few minutes later he walked past a Palette.. and stopped as he came face to face with a Goth is Reapers clothing.

"Who are you?" The Goth in Reaper's clothing asked.

Goth blinked surprised, he hadn't been asked that often here. "I am a Traveller, nothing more nothing less."

"You are more then just a Traveller." Searcher said. "A lot more, you're looking for something, aren't you?"

"What I want to find no longer exists, till then I'm a traveller looking for there final port," He grinned, Palette deep in there shared soul and no longer a ghost laughed.

"Sometimes, what you think is lost, is not as lost as it seems." He said. "I found something that I thought that I had lost, and if I can find it, then you can find what you lost too."

"Stranger... what I lost is my multiverse, I am all that is left. That is why I am a traveller," Goth replied softly and sadly, a hint of bitterness. "There is no finding it again, I search for a new home... and hopefully then I won't be lost."

"Then, I wish you luck then Traveller, for am I searching for my happy ending too."

Goth smiled at the other sadly, and turned to walk away. "I'm not exactly alone, yet I am in ways, but good luck."
With that he left, he'd read about an interesting multiverse he'd at least wanted to look at.

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