Chapter Forty Five: Not Done Playing Part Two

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Blue woke with a start, eyes opening to there fullest as his body shook in with adrenaline and fear.

His fingers clawed at his arms painfully, only stopping as any deeper would draw marrow or dust.

Frisk.. the demon child.. had been there, she had never ever been there before.

Tears slipped down his face that he quickly wiped away, one of his few last Frisk free spots had been discovered.

She had never ever left the ruins so quickly before.

Sadistic child.

He stared at the ceiling blankly, he felt empty as there was no escape to this unending hell.

"Will.. I ever escape?"

He rolled over and pulled his sheets over hie head, he was going back to sleep.

As he fell asleep, he could almost swear someone was humming a lullaby.


"Is everything alright?" Undyne asked when he dropped by for an errand.

"Just.. a bad dream" he told her, well more a very nasty end of a run.

"You look pale, and that's saying something for a skeleton type monster," the shy scientist told him as he placed several packages down.

"I'll be back to normal with a bit more sleep," he said with a grin, but lacked some of his usual energy.

"If somethings bothering you, you can tell me you know," she said with a smile.

"Thanks Undyne, your a good friend" he said smiling becoming a bit more real.

"Take it easy Sans, you work so hard and we appreciate it. But look after yourself also," she said placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll try..."

"That's all we ask" she replied.

Undyne was a good friends, he thought as he started to walk across bridges above lava.

He would destroy an Omniverse for his friends.

Blue blinked.. what a strange thought... Omniverse?

A chuckle escaped him, sometimes his mind had silly thoughts.

Must have been from his time with Dream and Ink, he.. still missed them.

Hopefully he found out why there long absence soon.

He barely had time to turn, only seeing the mad eyes of the cursed child and the feel of small hands pushing him with determined strength. Then Pain as he hit lava.

Frisk laughed he died.


Its getting wackier and wackier..

How did the child even get there? The ruins door hasn't even been opened yet.

Poor child, poor Blue

Poor Child?

Chara not Frisk Impy


Ow.. I'm sorry I'm sorry

My name in not Impy! How do you even get Impy from my name

Sorry Infernal

Stars Darn it Celestial, I know your stressed but don't mangle my name

But you call me Celest?

Because you like it

I'm going to have to act, the cursed child breaking things even more in there greed and insanity

Fine, I agree


Hide and Seek...

What a horrible thing, at least Frisks version.

Runs.. were agony.

Blue sat on his bed hugging his knees to his chest, so far Frisk had not attacked him here. Likely saw this spot as a 'safe' area of the hide and seek.

Papyrus was at Muffets, he'd come home drunks...

Stars... he was so alone.

He needed an escape, this mad game of the fallen child's was breaking.
"Please.... please let this game end"

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