Interlude: Storm

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Some people asked me, why did Traveller still seek a final home when he had his lovely home in the between. So this interlude I decided to write early, wasn't planning it for a few updates. ah well

There was no true sky in the between, and beyond the shields he'd placed it was dangerous. He would have liked to place an illusion of a false sky, with a sun and moon cycle but it was safer to see the between instead.

While the entrances to Omniverses and Multiverses often looked like doors here, many could open both ways without unlocking them briefly as he did.

Karma had luckily not been here when weather normal and unnatural swarmed from those doors, storms of plasma, fire and even strange void storms. His island was shielded, otherwise it would have been damaged severely over time by storms or remains of places tumbling in the Between.

He remembered his first time being caught in a storm in the middle of nowhere, looking for a door he'd sensed.

Ice and snow so cold it burned, his wings frosting over and freezing.

And falling...

He'd survived, but he had learned his lesson and learned more of the place he'd travelled.

He'd been young then, eons younger and a lot more foolish and a lot more hopeful of finding an end of his journey.

His Multiverse had been one of the earliest formed, his Omniverse had also long faded. He had searched in his own Omniverse, but his magic had not worked with them. New Omniverses and Multiverses had formed and vanished liked Dreams since then, like morning dew.

He wanted a home, a place to settle he would not be forced to leave. He knew how to protect places, even if it was an empty world he would take it as he would soon fill it with a home and hopefully one day family and friends.

Sadly... most places did not have the right type of magic for him to stay, and it hurt.

He made so many friends on his journey, yet he could never stay and many he could never revisit. Or when he was able to return, his friends had long passed on as time could be funny within.

At the moment he was standing outside, his clothes ruffling around him due to an unnatural wind. Ever changing eyes stared at the 'sky' as fragments of a world hit his shields with deafening sounds, groaning from there weight before shifting there directions.

In the distance he could see a door crumbling, the reminders of that multiverse leaking out of it at amazing speeds somehow coming out the small door even though much bigger.

He flinched as lava splashed against a shield. A few flowers near the edges of the island withering from the heat. He'd have to check the shields again, maybe buff the heat resistance again.

A section of the shields buckled and cracked, hissing he rushed over to that section reinforcing them with his magic repairing as he went.

Looks like he would be going over over all the shields.

This place would have been a perfect home, if it wasn't for these storms.

So this place would unfortunately not be his final home.

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