Chapter Twenty: A Fox In Strings Part 1

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This is co-written by Nightstar246 If you haven't checked out 'Former Destroyer turned Jinchūriki... Great' By Nightstar246 I suggest you do as its great

A singular purple eyes looked at the book in his hand, then looked up again.

"Totally against the plot, but I was never a Sasuke fan anyway," Traveller said, tossing book back into his item space. He was floating high in the sky, looking down at a certain village.

"Mind you... if the next multiverse I come across is the smurfs, I'm going destroy it... those things are creepy," the Traveller muttered. Even he had limits.

Oh.. and teletubbies.

But still, a chance to meet a Naruto, even one that was an Error's soul transmigrated.

Laughing, he started to descend.

After all, what fan would enter but by the front gate.


Error and Kurama arguing inside Error head.

'Just admit it your a fluffy Kitsune!'

'Go strange yourself with your tail-'

'Alright Pile of Bones?'

Error starred at a white hair child not too far away. *'That kid not from here.'

'What gave it away?'

'Lack of chakra for one. Two I practically remember all who lived here sadly.' Error stared a bit longer.

'Now what?'

'I can turn around and say I saw nothing.' Error stared at the child eating.

Phantasm wings shimmered just out of sight then vanished again, were no mortal could see. This was a god, a powerful one.

Error walk off and ignored what he saw. He not going to deal with any deities, gods, or whatever this 'kid' is. Not like they done any good for him. Expect whatever brought him here with the furball and the 'acquaintance', still not admitting friends, he made.

'Yeah, yeah like you too Pile of Bones...But you should keep a eye on them.'

Error growled slightly and glance back.

The Traveller sighed and pulled out the manga again, then tucked it back away.

It was a very bad idea.

Very very bad.

He so wanted the local 'Naruto' to sign the book, but that was just stupid.

Also super curious, on what his ability to create would make the other. For all he knew it could be indestructible knitting needles, or a collar to summon the Kyuubi.

Okay, the second idea sounded cool but he doubted that would happen.

"Thank you," he told the cook as he finished his ramen.

"Your welcome kiddo." The ramen man smile and look up a bit. Notice a familiar figure not to far away. "Hey Naruto! Finally, coming to eat?"

The Traveller forced himself not to react, definitely not squeal in joy of meeting the coolest being of this multiverse.

"Where is the Golden Dragon Hotel?" Traveller asked the cook instead, after he'd been told at the gate it was a very nice place to stay.

Sure this multiverses magic did not agree with his own, but it was safe enough to visit for a few weeks and maybe visit in the future. The magic here itched at him, mostly uncomfortable.

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