Chapter Twenty-Four: Traveller's fall

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When I asked KattraKnit to let me have the Traveller Visit and for them to co-write, I didn't expect this wonderful piece. Its more like a novel itself, so make sure to thank them for allowing us to play in her wonderful multiverse.

The Traveller was feeling quiet happy, he'd made a new friend. Radiant was adorable, and just like himself was immortal and an eternal child. It got... lonely being like he was, sure Goth had Palette and Palette had Goth but they shared a body... there was something special of having others to speak to.

He wondered if he could find a certain Au again, he remembered an Au where the Error made life size puppets instead of tiny ones as the norm.

He was partial to rare chocolates in trade, he wanted to see Moonlights reaction to a puppet of himself.

He had a few verses to explore first, a few of then had near magic that he hoped he would fit him.

(When was the last time we found one so near our own?) Palette asked curious

((A thousand years maybe)) Goth replied softly.

Then he was slammed.


But that should be impossible, he'd been phased out of existence.

Then he was falling.

Then... nothing.


-Balance Castle Orchards-

Fresh 404 held out his hand catching a drifting plum blossom as it fell, and holding the delicate pink flower up to show Dusty and Larkspur. "What do you think of a family picnic out here?"

Dusty takes the flower and gives it to Larkspur who blushes. "I think that would be fun but the babies are toddling. Maybe a large playpen to keep them from wandering off?"

If anyone saw it, they would have described it as if a rainbow was falling.

That the air surged with magic, almost like a supernova.

The ground shook from whatever fell.

Then all went quiet.

Under the afternoon shadows, a flower opened, each petal glowing a beautiful rainbow. Before wilting in seconds, without a chance to spread seeds as if Reaper himself had trod on it.

The crater glowed rainbow for a bit, then faded leaving an injured unconscious figure behind.

A whimper... barely a whisper was heard.

Fresh 404 turned in the direction of the impact, frowning few had access to the pocket AU he called home and all of them were family. He could feel the codes calling for help. "Hold tight, we may be moving fast."

There was another brief surge of magic, more erratic and weaker. A new flower bloomed but this time didn't die.

Walking at a brisk pace towards the impact Fresh 404 put on a burst of speed at the weakening magic. All things being relative it was still powerful magic but it was getting weaker. Reaching the edge of the crater and seeing a long golden-brown coat with a large hood over a small skeleton child, they wore black faded fingerless gloves. Their feet were shod of boots the same gold-brown at the oversized coat. Around their neck was a long blue scarf, and pinned to it was a very noticeable Gaster Blaster pin. He takes out his phone and calls Lady Vita. "Hello auntie Vita, can you meet us in the clinic we just found someone injured. Thank you so much."

"Be careful, I don't think you should trust glowing ground." Larkspur clutches his flower with one hand and the fluff of Fresh 404's coat collar with the other.

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