Chapter One: White Error's

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Huh.. thanks for the many votes on the prologue guys even if only a few reviews which were rather nice too. You all make a writer feel supportive. Thank you

'I don't think this multiverse will be the place to settle down' Palette thought a bit annoyed, he and Goth had looked at this multiverses codes before entering and thought it looked good.

They had learned how to do this, after ending in a multiverse where every AU was axe tale themed.

Would you like to meet an axe tale Error or Ink.


Well they hadn't either.

((At least Errors new body is cute)) Goth said.

(All that white, even the magic will probably give the local Ink hysterics) Palette replied.

There was something wrong with this multiverse.

The Fate here...

Something was going to happen.

He forced back the despair away, the fear of never finding a new home.

This place had looked good on the surface, as it had neither Palettes or Goths.

In fact Geno seemed to have gone missing eons ago.

((Dad... I mean Reaper of this multiverse is here)) Goth said quietly.

(Time to go) Palette said.

A soft pastel shaded rainbow portal appeared behind them, then they were gone.


Reaper blinked and looked around, for a moment eh swore he had felt someone watching him.

'Probably my imagination' he thought.

Time to confront the new destroyer.

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