• Adrenaline | C. Kent

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Adrenaline | C. Kent


DC Universe


Aviana Lawson, Zachary Smith


Clark and Lois Kent, Connor Kent, Jonathan Kent, Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, Tim Drake.


Published, Ongoing.


Some people believe that one doesn't always need to have a plan in life, sometimes all that's needed to be done is to breath and let things take its course. But there are some exceptional people who chose the other path.

To breath and let go, falling from the heights until the land strikes them or they get saved at the very last minute. Some people let go of everything they have just for the sake of adrenaline. And regardless to say, Connor Kent was one of those people who could do anything for the adrenaline rush.

Bold, confident and mostly a nuisance to people around him, Connor was the perfect representation of a boy with his programming set only to the extreme levels as there was no place for moderation in his life.

Though he was quite literally very different from the average boys his age because he was a genetically modified clone of Superman. That was the true reason to his uncanny resemblance to the Metropolis hero, his abilities and different genetic structure from humans. But it also brought along with it certain complications that could be nothing short of a curse for him.


Joshua Orpin as Connor Kent

Marina Nery as Aviana Lawson

Callan McAuliffe as Tim Drake

Henry Cavill as Clark Kent

Amy Adams as Lois Lane Kent

Jorge Benito as Jonathan Kent

Daisy Ridley as Alex Danvers

Madison Iseman as Kara Danvers

Bradley Simpson as Zachary Smith

Benjamin Stiller as Jonah Smith

Giovanna Antonelli as Morena Smith


Just because I turned A Million Reasons into a Kara Danvers fanfiction, doesn't mean I forgot about our lovely Drama Clone Connor Kent. So here we are with a fanfic based on him though it is connected to the plot of A Million Reasons | K. Danvers as well.

Both the stories are interconnected so the original characters, the main story line and the timeline will be same in these two fanfics. However, this fanfic focuses on Superboy and his life so it will cover not only his time with the Young Justice as a young hero, but also reflect on the problems he has to face due to the fact that he's supposedly Superman's clone.

Just like with the previous fanfic, a lot of research is due here so I don't know when I will be posting it. As for those wondering why I haven't included Aviana in the Overview, that's because the story mainly focuses on Superboy whereas Aviana is an important character in it but she is still secondary.

Not all my fanfics have to be love stories, y'know.

Anyways, I hope to get started on this one soon after my semester ends so keep your fingers crossed. After the tornado of exams has subsided, I will be posting A Million Reasons first then Adrenaline (hopefully).


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