So you guys must have noticed how in my stories, all the Batkids (except for Damian) have this habit of ruffling the younger member's head as a sign of affection.
I was just thinking that it's quite recurring in almost all my stories and the person who does it very often is Richard. In Espera | R. Grayson, I mentioned that it was something his father used to do to him back in the very short time he was with his family. And since Richard associated that gesture with affection shown towards a child or a younger sibling, he began to do it to the rest of them (because he's the oldest after Barbara and Barbara isn't technically adopted...)
So we see Richard doing it often to Jason, Tim and Damian, sometimes to Steph even and I find that to be one cute detail. Just like Richard picked it as a habit due to his father, the rest of the Batkids picked it as a habit due to him.
Jay very rarely expresses affection but when he does, it's a silent way of doing so usually a clap on the back or the signature head ruffle. Steph loves to annoy both Tim and Damian by messing up their hair as she ruffles heads much more aggressively as compared to others. Tim loves ruffling heads too as we see him doing so very often to his own daughter Mona (talking about the Coffeeverse here) and to Terry as well later on.
Damian is a special case because he usually doesn't have any siblings younger than him (if we consider the stories aside from the Coffee and Liquor Series). That got me thinking whether Damian has picked it up as a habit too or not.
And after a few minutes of weighing out the pros and cons, we can say that yes, Damian also uses this gesture but very rarely. If you're reading Dark Chocolate | T. McGinnis, you'll see soon.
If not then I'll tell you. Since Mona is younger than him and is also his cousin as well as Tim's daughter (I know this will be confusing for those who haven't read the series but whatever), there are very rare times when Damian would pat Mona's head just once and give a very rare compliment. Happens when the two train together in the Batcave but it's a very very rare occurrence.
Because in reply Mona would always something like"Aw, my demonic cousin is going soft..." and that would literally cause a war seconds after. Now I can't wait to write the chapter that has this scene but exams are just round the corner and I can't. I have already broken the limits I set for myself and posted a few chapters for Dark Chocolate because I couldn't get my mind to shut up and focus on studying...
So yeah, this was just a random thought that fluttered through my half-asleep brain at 3 am and the thought after that was I should share it with you guys.
Don't know about you people but I love the little details that add more depth to the story. And usually, I strike upon these details after midnight in my half-asleep state when I have been up too long completing a project or studying.
At that time these tiny discoveries are a boost of energy to keep me working harder so that I will finally finish it up and get done with whatever uni work I have got so that I can get time to write.
Anyhow, peace out, all of you. Thanks for reading!
*Excuse the ramblings as my self combust mode is going to activate in a few seconds: first exam is this Saturday, uni doesn't care if it's supposed to be an off and my last minute panic is starting to kick in*
No worries though, I'm fine and very used to it. These are the days I start to act most like the Tim Drake I write about, especially the one from Hellfire Series and I guess it's starting to show by the chaoticness of this whole chapter.
Well, I hope you all do great in your exams if you're having any and I hope I do well in mine too.
See you soon, bye.
*I was gonna insert a gif of Baby Yoda saying bye to you all but Wattpad isn't allowing me to so just imagine it's here*

Profile Guide | ZeninaD
RandomThis is a guide to navigating through my DC fanfic account @ZeninaD on Wattpad. It includes basic overview of all my published fanfictions, offers sneak peeks into the drafts I'm working on and basically helps readers to navigate the account easily...