• Survivor | T. Drake

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Survivor | T. Drake


DC Universe [AU]


Lorena Sionis.


Tim Drake, Jack Drake, Janet Drake, Roman Sionis, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown, Richard Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, and Damian Wayne.


Published, Ongoing.


Being the youngest CEO in a city as crime-ridden as Gotham was no easy task.

Timothy Drake had coveted the post at the absurdly young age of fifteen a few years after the sinister murder of his parents. He took over Drake Corporate, a company facing bankruptcy, at a time when the majority of the people thought that he too would perish along with his father's company.

But he managed to turn the tables around, bringing Drake Corporate back to its former power and establishing a stronghold in the city's commercial sector. Rising from the ashes, Drake Corporate became a threat to those already established in the field, including but not limited to Wayne Enterprises.

From a bankrupt company to a worthy business rival, Timothy had ascended those steps in a surprisingly short amount of time.

Therefore, Bruce Wayne could not underestimate the young new face in Gotham's corporate world. And he certainly couldn't overlook the suspicion that there was a lot going on behind the facade of Drake Corporate. It wasn't possible for companies fallen to that level of desperation to rise and establish their name again in just a few years.

He couldn't be sure but he had an instinctive feeling that the genius CEO was hiding a lot of secrets behind his clear-as-glass eyes. And he was right.

Timothy Drake had vowed to do all he could to survive, it did not matter to him whether his approach to ensuring his survival was right or wrong.


Tanner Buchanan as Timothy Drake

Patrick Dempsey as Jack Drake

Neve Campbell as Janet Drake

Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne

Ben Barnes as Richard Grayson

Wolfgang Novogratz as Jason Todd

David Mazouz as Damian Wayne

Sabrina Carpenter as Stephanie Brown



This is a result of another post-midnight idea that my sleep-deprived brain churned up as it was tired of all the depressing all-nighters I pulled to complete my submissions. So basically, it got me thinking about what would happen if Tim didn't get adopted by Bruce and as a result, never became part of the Wayne family.

I love experimenting with these questions of changing one crucial event in canon and seeing the entire universe gets changed as a consequence. You guys have seen me do this with the Talon And Bone Series, Shatranj, and Diabolical. As I love the outcome and the opportunities it gives me in terms of creativity, I decided to experiment again.

In this story, the main question results in a lot of changes. Tim will never become Robin, he will never be a vigilante and instead, he will continue living his life as the perfect son to the Drake family. Basically, instead of seeing the Waynes as friends/family, he will be seeing them as rivals in the corporate sector and Gotham's power dynamics.

I am very excited to write this story as Tim's personality and character development will be very different from canon. He is a classic case of don't judge a book by its cover and you all will be very surprised to see the kind of person he is in this story. 

I hope you guys enjoy reading it because I know I will have a great time penning this down for you.


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