Book 2: Intangible | J. Crane

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Intangible | J. Crane


DC Universe


Charlize Fischer, Miguel Hanson, David Thompson, Isaac Owens, Robert Fischer.


Jonathan Crane, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Richard Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, and Damian Wayne.


Published, Ongoing.


Jonathan Crane hadn't expected to be released from Arkham.

After all the atrocities he had committed as Scarecrow, he had felt confinement and isolation would be imminent and he would forever be trapped in the cages of Arkham Asylum. But one unexpected abduction led to a million things changing in his life.

The changes brought over had affected him drastically such that instead of a criminal convicted to lifelong imprisonment, he was released on parole and given a chance to start his life afresh. He had many people to thank for that chance, especially Tim his unlikely friend and Charlize his psychiatrist.

But for a man who had stayed imprisoned for the past ten years and lived his life in hatred and fear, redemption and recuperation was no easy task. Coming back to normal life was difficult as the shadows of his past still haunted him.

He wanted to break free and the chains binding him were broken. But he still felt dubious about whether he would ever achieve freedom from his mental confinement or not.


Cillian Murphy as Jonathan Crane

Rosario Dawson as Charlize Fischer

Finn Wolfhard as Timothy Drake

Tom Hiddleston as Miguel Hanson

James Marsden as David Thompson

James McAvoy as Isaac Owens

James Franco as Robert Fischer

The rest of the cast as mentioned in Diabolical | T. Drake.



I don't know if it's my love for Cillian Murphy or the fact that writing Scarecrow's character in Diabolical | T. Drake with a totally different approach made me reconsider my opinions on Jonathan Crane. But the truth is, I am working on a spinoff of Diabolical and this story focuses on Crane and features his perspective. This is the second book in The Toxic Ashes Series.

So this fanfic is inspired by Cillian Murphy's portrayal of Jonathan Crane in the Dark Knight Trilogy as well as a few songs namely Wake Me Up by Avicii and Mind Is A Prison by Alec Benjamin.

I am really excited about this story because it will be my first time writing from the perspective of a renowned DC villain. However, this story focuses on similar themes of the Diabolical storyline so the main focus will be on Crane's redemption and reinstating in life. It will feature journal entries written by Jonathan Crane, documenting his recovery and his thoughts. And it will also have descriptive chapters as my stories usually do.

Of course, our lovely Tim plays a very important role in the story and the original characters that I have mentioned are a treat to write about. So I hope you guys enjoy this story and let me know what you think about it.


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