Cookies And Cream | T. Drake
DC Universe
Isadora Beaumont, Alexander Beaumont, Lucas Wilson, Mona Al Ghul, Udit Hakman, Aleama.
Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Richard Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Helena Bartinelli, Selina Kyle, Rose Wilson, Talia Al Ghul.
Published, Completed with 40 chapters.
The Drakes were no doubt a perfect family.
Timothy Drake had gotten married to the love of his life, Isadora Beaumont, and they had started their lives together along with little Mona Drake who had become a precious sunshine for them.
Finally after so many years, they had started to believe that they were complete together and were very happy with the way things had turned out for them. It was all possible only through constant love and support they had for each other, without which, it would have been difficult for them to make past all the ups and downs they had faced in life.
Mona loved her parents a lot and could never even think of parting with them, however, she couldn't overlook the fact that she was still linked to the League of Assassins due to her biological mother, Nyssa Al Ghul.
And when the time came, she might have to return to the shadows she had abandoned years ago. Not for her own sake, but for the sake of her Ummi who she couldn't leave alone to face what the future held in store for her.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Bruce Wayne
Emily Blunt as Selina Kyle
Finn Wittrock as Richard Grayson
Daniel Sharman as Jason Todd
Cole Sprouse as Timothy Drake
Ryan Potter as Damian Wayne
Sophie Turner as Barbara Gordon
Ellie Bamber as Stephanie Brown
Teresa Ting as Cassandra Cain
Berenice Marlohe as Talia Al Ghul
Summer Fontana as Mona Al Ghul
Bia Arantes as Aleama
Birand Tunca as Udit Hakman
Eiza Gonzalez as Helena Bartinelli
Tyler Young as Lucas Wilson
Taylor Momsen as Rose Wilson
Zoey Deutch as Isadora Beaumont
Matthew Gray Gubler as Alexander Beaumont
This is the sequel to Sour Candy | T. Drake and starts from where that story ended. It focuses on Tim, Dora and Mona living together as a family and initially, I have thought it will be a very sweet and happy story to serve as a conclusion to the entire series.
Yes, after this book, the Coffee And Liquor Series will reach completion at last.
But then most of my stories get developed on a very different track from my initial planning while I am writing them out so I don't really know how this story is going to turn out just yet.
This story is in a sense more based more on Mona rather than Tim and Dora but of course they are going to be a crucial part of the story as it would be incomplete without them. Though I hope you guys enjoy reading it and I can't wait for my semester to get finished so that I can start working on this story too.
As you might have noticed, we do have Talia, Aleama and Udit in the cast which means that these three will have focus in the book as well. Even after becoming a part of their family with Tim and Dora, Mona still has her roots in the League of Assassins and there is a possible climax waiting for you in the last installment of this series.
So let's see what happens.

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AléatoireThis is a guide to navigating through my DC fanfic account @ZeninaD on Wattpad. It includes basic overview of all my published fanfictions, offers sneak peeks into the drafts I'm working on and basically helps readers to navigate the account easily...