Yup, there you have it.
Original Fictions are the death of me, not reading them but actually writing them by myself.
I start an original fiction but then after a few chapters I get stuck and lose all inspiration to write. Then I have to unpublish it and then it sits in my drafts for really long.
I started writing Parched, an original sci-fi story but after 4 chapters I took it down. It required a lot of research and the world building depended on me alone so it also required a lot of time and effort.
And as always when I get tired of a story, I take it down and put it for later.
Same was the case with Choice Of A Lifetime, another original fiction that I very recently unpublished. Lack of inspiration and writer's block being the main causes.
Like I do want to write originals so that I might have a chance of actually publishing my book in hard copy but I can't bring myself to do it.
But with fanfiction, everything's sorted out except your OCs and your chosen timeline. So it's easier for me to write fanfics as compared to originals.
I used to be a Harry Potter fanfic writer, actually I started writing from there as my first story ever was titled Harry Potter and the Enchantress of Godric Hollow (I had posted it on WP at my original account in 2014 but it was awfully cliche and cringe worthy so I took it down). Even today about 16 HP fanfics are chilling in the drafts at my original Purplemist14 account but after I started writing DC fanfictions, I stopped writing HP ones.
I don't know why but I find DC to be much more flexible to interpretation in terms of canon, timelines, characters and plots so right now, I'm writing 0 Harry Potter fanfics despite having such a lot of them in my drafts. I have one of them published, Lupus Conjectura, and I really want to continue that story but these days I'm somehow not in the mood to write for the Potterverse.
In fact I started delving into the DC fandom to take a break from HP as it was becoming rather overwhelming for me. But that minor break turned out to be a permanent stay because here we are with about 10 completed DC fanfics, three ongoing works and 12 drafts. And all of these are based on DC (shocking for me even).
But long story short, I think I might remain a fanfic writer because originals just don't work for me for long. I get compelling ideas and try to write them out but writer's block is a curse that hits me each time and then I just lose the will to write the story anymore.
What are your opinions? Have you ever written original fanfics and if so then which one do you prefer; writing originals or fanfics?

Profile Guide | ZeninaD
RandomThis is a guide to navigating through my DC fanfic account @ZeninaD on Wattpad. It includes basic overview of all my published fanfictions, offers sneak peeks into the drafts I'm working on and basically helps readers to navigate the account easily...