Character Aesthetics [Dark Chocolate - Part III]

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I know I shouldn't be revealing these too soon because these are full of spoilers, but I designed them tonight and I just can't resist keeping these under wraps.

As you all must have guessed, Dark Chocolate | T. McGinnis has three parts and each one has its own character aesthetics. I have kept the color themes separate for all the parts so for the first part, the theme was light representing dawn which symbolizes the beginning. It was also the part from where the story was starting so I thought it fitting to choose those colors and meaning.

The theme for the second part was dark because... Well, reasons... 

And this theme for the third and last part can be interpreted in two ways. It can either be viewed as a representation of a sunset indicating that this is the last part and the story will end after it. And it can also be viewed as a sunrise after a long night. Not gonna say more because I have given enough spoilers already.

 Not gonna say more because I have given enough spoilers already

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For those of you who are reading Dark Chocolate at the moment, I know you must have picked up on the spoilers in here

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For those of you who are reading Dark Chocolate at the moment, I know you must have picked up on the spoilers in here. But if you haven't yet, that's great too. It will be worth it to read things and find out in their respective timing.

Anyhow, what do you guys think of these?

Which one is your favorite?

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