Explain A Plot Badly

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This was a fun thing a few years ago on Wattpad where people would tag each other and basically the tag was to explain your plots in a funny or awful way by just using two or three sentences.

One of my friends did this a long time ago and I thought it was fun, so here we go. I will only be doing this for all my published works, the drafts won't be in here as I don't want to spoil the stories beforehand.

Katana | R. Grayson:

Richard Grayson has a crush on his adoptive brother's half sister but said half sister happens to be an ex leader of a warrior clan. Admitting his feelings was hard enough already and finding more about her doesn't help in any way whatsoever.

Oculus | J. Todd:

Jason Todd being a whole ass drama queen for the first ten chapters; "it's me or him, Bruce! You decide!" Realizing a few chapters later that it was all futile as vengeance was no longer the only purpose in his life. 

Damsel | T. Drake:

Irina Luthor, the newest vigilante in Gotham, finds herself falling head over heals for her damsel in distress who is not only a caffeinated wreck but also the genius Wayne boy Timothy Drake.  

Savior | T. Drake:

Tim Drake and Irina Luthor were Gotham's newest power couple. But he fucks up when in attempts of keeping her from finding out he's Red Robin, he goes a little too far and lands in her bad books.

Sugarcoated Chillies | B. Gordon:

From investigator and suspect to star crossed lovers. I would rather not say more. But seriously, read this book because if you enjoy my stories and haven't read this one, you're missing out on everything.

Crushed Cigarettes | J. Todd:

Lydia and Jason were best friends but then she got entangled with Two Face's gang and got Batman's Robin involved in the mess as well without knowing that it was her best friend she was endangering the entire time.

Caffeine Withdrawal | T. Drake:

Where do coffeeholics find love? In a coffee shop, obviously. What do they do when they find true love? Compare that person to coffee.

Honeyed Cabernet | H. Bartinelli:

Helena and Alexander, the Huntress and a squirrel in the wolves den. Is it love at first sight or just a hunt for the thrill of it?

Sugar Rush | T. Drake

When things are getting too sweet, a tragedy is due or else too much sugar would end up in a diabetes diagnosis.

Milk And Cardamom | S. Brown

You guys wanted a Stephanie Brown story, I gave you guys one. Sorry not sorry if it focuses a tad too much on the original character and the Wilsons.

Sour Candy | T. Drake

When things are finally coming back on track for Tim and Dora, calamities strike again because I am an insanely evil author.

Gunpowder And Cocktails | J. Todd

A formerly dead vigilante and a mercenary's daughter are bound to make one hell of a couple. Death, visions, resurrection and so much more; it is safe to say that nothing about their love story could be deemed as conventional.

Cookies And Cream | T. Drake

I have messed up with Tim and Dora a lot so let's just give them a happy book... For now, at least.

Cocoa Beans | D. Wayne

A cheerful boy and the most bitter of the Waynes find themselves falling for one another. The only mutual interest they have is animals and hot chocolate.

Demon Spawn | D. Wayne:

The Demon Robin gets unwillingly paired up with a fiery Task Force Agent for a case and ultimately ends up being stuck with her forever. His mistake? He compared her to the sun because just like the sun, she was too bright and too hot. 

Fallen Angel | J. Todd:

Childhood rivals to ultimate lovers. What caused the huge change, you ask? Jason's death. Oh and the fact that he came back far hotter than how Dom had last seen him.

Lilith | J. Kent:

The most innocent and precious half alien on the planets falls for a girl who even Damian Wayne refers to as a terror upon humanity.

Phantom | H. Bartinelli:

Two Spyral agents get entangled in the web of love, manipulation, betrayal and revenge. Lesson learnt; never date a fellow agent.

Falsetto | T. Drake

Sometimes all it takes to break away from an abusive parent is strong will and a friend like Tim Drake to look past the facade and help in sorting things out.

A Million Reasons | K. Danvers:

Zachary's brain is programmed to not accept failure and he tries and tries again, millions of times to achieve what he wants, despite the fact that it lands him in fatal situations too often.


I have tried to summarize whole plots in these few sentences. Some of these are funny, some are just lame. You decide.

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