This is a comparatively darker series of mine and is based in an Alternate DC Universe where a lot of key events from canon have been altered. It focuses more on the Court of Owls and features major changes such as Bruce Wayne's parents not being murdered and as a result him not becoming Batman etc.
This has been a very interesting challenge for me because I have been altering a lot in the series by changing the most important event in DC's canon, that is Bruce not taking on the mantle of Batman and that opened up various possibilities for me.
The special fact to note about this series is that it is set in an alternate universe that is parallel to the Coffeeverse (the universe in which Coffee And Liquor Series takes place) hence some characters are going to make a cameo and some events are going to be connected.
This series consists of four books, mentioned in their correct order down below:
Espera | R. Grayson is the first book that introduces the readers to the characters and the alternate world they live in. Andanza | S. Vanaver is a sequel to Espera whereas Lechuza | L. Vikander is the prequel to the first book since it covers events that took place way before the initial setting. Lucera | B. Gordon is the finale of this series, covering the events that take place after Andanza.
Profile Guide | ZeninaD
RandomThis is a guide to navigating through my DC fanfic account @ZeninaD on Wattpad. It includes basic overview of all my published fanfictions, offers sneak peeks into the drafts I'm working on and basically helps readers to navigate the account easily...