Compensation For That Brutal Cliffhanger

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Okay so the title sums it all up and this chapter is specially for those of you who are reading Dark Chocolate | T. McGinnis and must have read chapter [19].

I think I owe you an explanation to make up for the brutal cliffhanger I just left you guys with. So here's one little detail that you all missed and I thought I'd just explain it so as to make things more...



Remember that scene in the cave with Terry and Mona after Damian threw the popcorn bucket at them and Tim felt so awkward that he left and was unresponsive towards both Terry and Mona for a whole day? Do you guys know that it wasn't because of the fact that Mona could have kissed Terry and that would have been an awkward situation for Tim?

Certainly not. Though I intentionally let you all believe that and by Damian quoting that Drake would have gone into his overprotective father mode and so on.

To be honest, that wouldn't have affected Tim as much because he knows that Terry and Mona are at the age when people tend to be a little too fascinated by the idea of love rather than love itself. It's a fickle age and of course people tend to make mistakes and later learn from them and grow as well.

The real reason he got so disturbed was because Mona called Terry pretty.

And since I'm still an evil author, I'll give you one hint to understand the entire thing.

Tim hates the word pretty.

Let's see if you guys can trace this back to its origin and if you succeed in doing so, you'll also know by now that this is no compensation.

Now excuse me while I make a dramatic exit 😂😂😂

See you with another cliffhanger in Andanza | S. Vanaver.

Have a lovely day trying to crack this up.

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