This is a guide to navigating through my DC fanfic account @ZeninaD on Wattpad.
It includes basic overview of all my published fanfictions, offers sneak peeks into the drafts I'm working on and basically helps readers to navigate the account easily...
This is a series under progress, focusing mainly on the four Robins but I might add more characters if I get more ideas.
For now, there are four books in the series which will be discussed in the upcoming chapters.
These four books by order are:
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The premise of this series is that there are thin lines differentiating many things in life that often blend to become one if not paid heed to. Just as we know that there is a line between good and evil, genius and insanity and even love and hate, the series goes on to explore a collection of these things lines in the lives of our lovely Batboys.
I'm very excited to start writing this story and the first book is already published. The rest of the books will be posted soon too and I'll mention them in this section from the next chapter onwards.