Honeyed Cabernet | H. Bartinelli
DC Universe
Alexander Beaumont, Isadora Beaumont, Vincent Beaumont, Camille Beaumont
Helena Bartinelli, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne.
Published, Completed with 45 chapters.
This story is a spinoff to Caffeine Withdrawal | T. Drake where the focus is shifted from Tim and Dora to Alexander and Helena. However, it is set from before the timeline of the first book and covers many additional scenes from Dora and Alex's past.
Alexander Beaumont was just nineteen when had to leave his family. After years of tolerating his parents' fights, one such row became the reason for his departure. The only person who he still cared about from his family was his younger sister Isadora. He had promised to take her away from their toxic family too as soon as he became capable of supporting the two of them.
Alex came to Gotham and began working hard so that he could survive as well as save enough money for him to afford a better living and call his sister to Gotham too. After years of struggling with multiple jobs, he was finally able to rent a place and open his own coffee shop that he named Dora's Coffee Haunt after his sister.
When Dora turned eighteen she came to Gotham as well and the two ran the coffee shop together. However, Alex felt himself responsible for providing a better future to his sister so he took up another job as a bartender in the Iceberg Lounge so that he would be able to save enough to pay for Dora's college fees.
But the Lounge was quite the villain's pub and not a place for people like him; a fact made clear to him by Helena Bartinelli who was herself a threat when it came to the Gotham underworld. According to her, he was a squirrel in the wolves' den who had somehow managed to catch the attention of a certain Huntress.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Bruce Wayne
Emily Blunt as Selina Kyle
Finn Wittrock as Richard Grayson
Daniel Sharman as Jason Todd
Cole Sprouse as Tim Drake
Ryan Potter as Damian Wayne
Sophie Turner as Barbara Gordon
Ellie Bamber as Stephanie Brown
Eiza Gonzalez as Helena Bartinelli
Zoey Deutch as Isadora Beaumont
Matthew Gray Gubler as Alexander Beaumont
Believe it or not, when I started Caffeine Withdrawal, I had no idea that I would be writing about Alex and Helena together. But the ideas evolved over time and the two also became very precious to me. Unlike Tim and Dora's story, their story is a lot more complicated due to their contrasting natures, opposite lifestyles and way of thinking.
While Helena is described as a sharp shard of glass that could pierce the skin upon a mere touch alone, Alexander is quite literally the opposite. But these two worked out so well together and I love their dynamic so I decided to write this fanfic as well that would focus fully on Alex and Helena.
If you are into action, forbidden romance and the drama and thrill that is guaranteed given Helena's post as the Huntress, then you will surely enjoy reading this story. Currently it is on hold though because I get very little time to update and even lesser inspiration these days but soon as my semester ends, I will be paying it the attention it deserves.

Profile Guide | ZeninaD
RandomThis is a guide to navigating through my DC fanfic account @ZeninaD on Wattpad. It includes basic overview of all my published fanfictions, offers sneak peeks into the drafts I'm working on and basically helps readers to navigate the account easily...