Hello and welcome to my DC Fanfic account ZeninaD.
My original account is Purplemist14 where most of my works are either writing guides, random books, poetry or Harry Potter fanfiction. This account however consists of mostly DC fanfiction.
A few facts about me are that I am a Gemini, I love reading and writing stories, I very recently got into DC fandom but I got in deep such that there are more than ten DC fanfics I have written and posted on Wattpad. I write under a pen name because I feel comfortable that way. However, any assumptions you might have made by visiting my original account and this one might not be entirely correct since I am a Gemini and my personality flips over multiple shades and the two accounts might seem very different from one another. I am not on any other site like Ao3 or Fanfic.net so if you see any of my stories being posted on any other site except Wattpad, then please let me know.
However back to the main topic, this profile guide will include separate sections for series, stand alone stories, duologies and trilogies etc. Since most of my work is based on the DC fandom, it will have sub sections for the alternate universe fanfics as well.
I'm open to suggestions so if you have any idea on how to improve the guide, let me know, I will really appreciate that.
Hope you enjoy reading my fanfics and hope this guide makes it easier for you to navigate through this account.
Love from,
Zenina Dawson.

Profile Guide | ZeninaD
AcakThis is a guide to navigating through my DC fanfic account @ZeninaD on Wattpad. It includes basic overview of all my published fanfictions, offers sneak peeks into the drafts I'm working on and basically helps readers to navigate the account easily...