A Split In 2 (s5)

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Weiss: You'll pay!

Not wanting to get stabbed, y/n instantly appears next to her pushing her weapon down to the ground.

Y/n: Weiss, relax, it's me!

Weiss stares at her weapon for a brief second before summoning a massive Arma Gigas. Y/n watch as this giant suit of armor towers over him.

Y/n: oh what the fuck-

He wasn't able to finish due to him being punched by the Gigas, but Weiss saw her summon's arm explode into nothing. She got a glance at y/n and noticed that the punch did nothing to him, he was standing at the same spot with his eyes closed. Once he opens them, the rest of the arma disappears, causing Weiss to look at y/n in Disbelief.

Y/n: are we done playing around?

Weiss turns around, running towards her weapon. Y/n lets out a silent growl, appearing in front of Weiss, grabbing her weapon before she can.

Y/n:(aggressive) Calm down, Weiss! It's me, the real Y/n!

He wanted Weiss to listen to him and understand that he's isn't the imposter. But once he got a glimpse of her face, he knew that wouldn't be possible, even though she has tears going down her face. Her eyes told a different story; more wanted to kill and get revenge,  standing across from each other. He could feel the hatred aura coming off her; knowing what it was, he lowers his guard dropping her weapon onto the floor.


Ruby rushed forward, firing her weapon to give her an extra boost off the second floor of the minor. Y/n looked back and got a glimpse at how close the runt was already. He leans back, barely avoiding her first strike. Ruby then stomps her foot onto the floor and tries to land a hit on y/n, who continues to dodge every attack.

Y/n: seriously!! Why does everyone want to kill me today!?

Wanting for this to stop, he waited for ruby to jab her scythe forward. Y/n took the chance to step to the side, dragging his forearm against the weapon till he was close enough to slam it against her throat, dropping her to the ground. He senses something coming from behind; he leaps up into the air, landing away from Blake and Weiss, who retrieve Myrtenaster from the ground.

Y/n:(growls) there's no point in talking.... not anymore. (Gets in a stance) Want me dead? Then make it happen.

Weiss angrily rushes forward and swings her Rapier. Y/n smirks, sampling leaning to the side, avoiding the attack before grabbing Blake's wrist, giving her a heavy push back. Weiss swipes her weapon horizontally, trying to catch y/n by surprise, but he stops the attack with just the palm of his hands. The former heiress was shocked as blood began running down his hand then down onto her weapon; she then faced y/n and saw him not expressing any concern about his wound. A cry from Blake brought him back; Weiss saw the Faunus rushing back, leaping into the air, coming down with a powerful downward slash with her weapon. Weiss could hear y/n chuckle; he raised his head allowing her to see the menacing smile he had on his face as he then let go of myrtenaster leaping into the air swiftly dodging blake attack. He quickly grabs the Faunus by her leg, giving her a good spin only to throw her back to the floor. Once y/n landed, he tilted his head to look at Weiss staring back at him in disbelief.

Y/n: I've been holding back drastically, but if you're going to continue with this nonsense, my patients will break.

His voice lost all emotion from before sending chills down her back; Weiss looks at Blake struggling to get up and Ruby, who had a small bruise on her throat. Y/n waited to see what will be their next move but was disappointed to see Weiss readying herself to fight again along with the others.

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