Extra: A Future With You part 3

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Republish because there were so many grammar errors.

2 weeks had passed since baby Chloe was born, it was currently 1am Weiss was having trouble sleeping, she turned to her husband's side but saw that he wasn't there, she sighs as she knows where he's at. She gets up from her bed and walks out of the room walking down the hallway stopping at Chloe door that was wide open. She looked inside and saw y/n standing there looking at their daughter sleeping in her crib.

Weiss: y/n?

Y/n:(looks at her) Weiss, you're up? why?

Weiss: I was having trouble sleeping and noticed that you weren't in bed.(walks closer to him) Y/n, I know you've been watching over Chloe since we brought her home, what's going on?

Y/n:(looks back at his daughter) I want to protect her ... but I'm scared...

Weiss: scared? Of what? Not being a good father? Y/n we talk-

Y/n; no, it's not that... I'm scared that I won't protect from herself... scared that she'll suffer like I did...(looks down)

Weiss:(concern putting a hand on his shoulder) y/n...

Y/n:(starts to get emotional) I don't want her to be afraid of herself... to feel the pain that I went through....to see her loved ones come and go and not be able to do anything about it but just watch. she doesn't deserve that... she deserves to live a life where she is happy, to be able to feel normal and not fight herself in order to keep control. I don't want her to get her powers... to be immortal.

Weiss: y/n...(hugs him) we'll make sure that doesn't happen, we'll give her that life and more, and if she does get powers you'll be there to teach her, we'll create this path for our daughter.

Y/n:(hugs back tightly) I don't want Chloe to be like me... because if she were to obtain her powers, they'll be greater than mine.

Weiss: what?

Y/n: our daughter will surpass me, but I need to remember that the chances of her getting her powers are small since she is more human.(gently hold his daughter's hand) but I'll protect you and Chloe no matter what until the end of time ... even if I go or stay.

Weiss:(kiss his cheek) I know.

Chloe was starting to wake up and was about to cry, both of her parents sighs. Weiss was about to grab her but y/n stops her.

Y/n:(smiles) I got it.

Weiss: you sure?

Y/n: yeah, besides you need to rest in order to recover.

Weiss; alright, thank you.(she kissed him again) good night.

Y/n: night.

She leaves returning back to their room. Y/n grabs Chloe carrying her to calm her down.

Y/n: it's okay, your father is here.

Chloe stops crying and giggles as she grabs her father's finger. Y/n smiles leaning in and kisses her on the forehead.

Y/n: you're really a blessing.

Chloe continued to play around, it was until she looked at the window staring at the moon light.

Y/n: do you like the moon?

Chloe was trying to grab it which gave y/n his answer.

Y/n:(chuckles) I guess that's a yes... I have a idea.

He quietly walks out of his house, Chloe was curious as to what her father was doing. He releases his black wings and covers up his daughter with a blanket before flying straight up into the sky. After flying for a few seconds he was above the clouds, he uncovered his daughter allowing her to see the view. Instead of being afraid or even crying, y/n could tell that she was in complete awe. Chloe starts to clap while giggling.

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