On His Hands (s5)

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Team RWBY, Emerald, Hazel, Y/n, Charlie, and Oscar are in the Schnee manor's meeting room. Weiss is pacing around the room, and Emerald is leaning against a wall, with Hazel nearby. Oscar is peering out the window. Y/n and Charlie were standing in front of the door, while the rest of the group was seated at the table.

Yang: (sighs) Okay, Ironwood wants Penny, or Mantle is toast. So, how do we put a stop to him?

Blake: Qrow and Robyn are still in his custody, and May stated that Atlas security drones are watching the crater, so they're also trapped.

Oscar: And Salem won't be gone for much longer.

Ruby: So then, it's impossible.

Emerald: See? If Miss Hero with all the answers doesn't have an answer, then we have ours.

Weiss: Shut up.

Yang approaches Emerald, who is backing up in fear, but Charlie gets in her way, and Hazel steps in front of Emerald.

Charlie: Hey, relax.

Yang: no! If she's going to be like this, she should just leave?!

Charlie: she's in the same situation as we are now, Emerald is no longer with Salem, and Ozpin has returned.

Ruby mumbles into the table as everyone else falls silent.

Oscar: All of this uncertainty, fear, and distrust isn't getting us anywhere.

Ruby slams her palms against the table.

Ruby: (distraught) Then nothing has changed! We're in the exact same spot we were yesterday. Arguing what to do while the Kingdom waits to die.

Yang tries to comfort Ruby by placing her hand on her shoulder, but Ruby shrugs it off and runs out of the room, slightly dumping into y/n arm. Yang pauses for a second before sprinting after her.

Y/n: That could have gone better; at the very least, say excuse me or sorry.

Everyone is watching y/n as he moves from his spot and towards where Ruby was last seen sitting.

Charlie: We don't need your unnecessary comments, y/n.

When the demon looks to the side, he notices his cousin staring at him.

Y/n: (laughs) so what? It's not like any of you are doing anything to improve our situation.

Everyone in the room took offense because, for someone who talks a lot, he was the only one who didn't say anything.

Weiss: y/n, if you've got something to say, say it!

Y/n:(glares) and you think raising your voice will make me want to do it when you're the one ordering me around?!

Charlie looks at y/n in disbelief; he can't believe he's going to talk back to her like that. Is it true that things between them have deteriorated to the point where they now despise each other? Charlie looks around to see if he is the only one in the room who is having the same reaction.

Weiss: y/n, I'm not-

Before she could finish Y/n scoff before averting their gaze.

Charlie: has his power already overtaken him? No, if that's the case, I doubt we'll be in this room, but they must be having an effect on his emotions. Y/n, a word please.

Y/n: for what?

Charlie: I'm only asking for a few minutes of your time.

Y/n: whatever, I'd had enough of wasting my time here.

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