Ace-ops? (S4)

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After Penny showed Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Oscar and Charlie around. Weiss was alone in her dorm room while the rest of her team were off doing their own thing, she was looking down at the diamond necklace y/n gave her in his final moment. She heard a knock on her door as she walk over to opened it to see Charlie on the other side.

Weiss: Charlie?

Charlie: hey, Weiss.

Weiss; I thought you'll be with yang and the others.

Charlie: well I was, but I wanted to check up on you; we haven't really spoke since...

Weiss: I know, I'm doing fine....

Charlie: I'll like to talk if you don't mind?..

Weiss: sure...

she allowed him in; she walk back to the bed she was siting on; while Charlie was standing up.

Charlie: Weiss; now that it's just us. I want to know if your doing okay and tell me the truth...

Weiss: I'm.... I'm not okay!, I have tried not to let it get to me; but how can I when... he died in my arms and I couldn't  do anything about it! I tried to used all of this to avoid thinking about it but...(tears begin to fall from her cheek)  the man I love is gone forever....

Charlie:(sadden) I'm... sorry... for not knowing that you were going through that... I'm not doing the best also; in reality its hitting harder then I expected.

Weiss: he's... your family after all...

Charlie: I know... but our relationship wasn't how it was till  recently  ; millions of years we were at each other throat, (starts to get emotional) and now I'm...regretting that... we ever have fought.... it's my fault; I shouldn't have listen to him, he wanted to fight bakasura alone and i just left.

Weiss: you... shouldn't blame yourself; we both knew that y/n will do anything to keep us safe.

Charlie: mostly you.

Weiss: huh?

Charlie: I wouldn't doubt that the whole time he was fighting; he had you on his mind and that desire to keep you safe and unharmed made him fight to the end.

Weiss:(sadden).....I just wished I could have spent more time with him and not worry about anything that been going on, it would been....just us...

Charlie: Y/n would have wanted the same thing; after all your the only person that he ever cared about.

Weiss: really?

Charlie: yeah, after his mother past; he was the coldest person ever and I bet that what you saw when you first met him.

Weiss: yeah we weren't really fond of each other; but something about him made me wanted to see him more often.

Charlie: y/n always knew there was something about you that's was special; and he knew what it was but he was in denial to admit it.

Weiss: what was it?

Charlie: those feelings for him to protect you; to be around you, Willing to put his life on the line for you;that was love he had for you; (points at the necklace)and maybe he gave you that for that very reason

Weiss:(grips onto the necklace) he told me that he.. loved me... we both confess... but I can't bring myself to wear it since...

Charlie: because you feel that you don't deserve to.

Weiss: yeah...

Charlie: y/n does thing for a reason; and giving you that in his last moment is no exception. Maybe it's for closure or maybe it's for you to know that no matter what happen he'll always be by your side. He's just wants you to move forward.

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