Deepest desire (s3)

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Bakasura lunch himself towards Charlie ready to end his life. Charlie quickly sidesteps dodging the attack, he then punches the demon far away from him and flew into the air after him. Bakasura tries to slash him across the neck, but Charlie blocks his attack, He then grabs bakasura by his arm and threw him into the ground with full force, creating a massive crater under him. Charlie stayed in the air trying to catch his breath, as the cloud of dust begins to clear he saw that bakasura was still standing unfazed.

Charlie: how can a demon be this strong? I'm already using 60%.

Much to his shock, Bakasura suddenly disappears, Charlie looks around to find him with no other choice he tries to sense his energy. He then quickly turns around as bakasura appears behind him but before Charlie was able to land a hit, bakasura grabbed his wrist and bent back towards him and with the other hand grabbed him by his throat.

Bakasura: is this all you got?

He then kicked charlie full force in the stomach sending him back to the ground, Bakasura falls and landed on the same crater from before. Charlie was sliding across the floor but was able to stop himself by stabbing the ground with his wings, he then swings them forward shooting out multiple feathers at the demon, bakaura blocks almost all of them, yet a few went past impaling him in the chest. Seeing his chance Charlie rush over, he was about to go for a right jab, but bakasura recovered grabbing onto his fist, the demon then tries to the same using his left to hit Charlie, yet he counters by the doing the same thing grabbing onto his fist. Both unable to use their arms begin to push each other as the ground around them begins to crack.

Charlie: how... were... you.. able to get so strong?

Bakasura: working... with... Salem gives.. me a few perks...

Charlie: no... wonder.... do you... understand... what this...mean?

Bakasura: it doesn't matter!... as long as I don't return to hell... I DONT CARED!

He yells as a fireball begins to form in his mouth. Knowing that it'll be a direct hit Charlie stops time kneeing his mouth shut before he could have done anything else he resumes time. As bakasura explodes sending them flying away from each other.

Charlie: I'm now using 70% and I can tell he's nowhere near done...

He retracts his wings just in case if the fight doesn't go his way. Bakasura rush over and went into punch Charlie but he blocked it before kicking him in the head. Bakasura takes a step back from the blow. charlie tries to punch him in the head, but bakasura ducks then rise back up kneeing Charlie In the stomach, he gasped as he falls to one knee,  bakasura use one of his claws stabbing Charlie through the leg.


Bakasura: it's over!

He rises his claw into the sky, but before he was able to strike down, a force sends bakasura flying. Charlie looks to see y/n Infront of him.

Charlie:(gets up slowly) y/n?...

Y/n; sorry I'm late.

Charlie: y/n, he's stronger then we expected.

Y/n: I know, I can sense his hidden power. That means you need to go.

Charlie: what?! No! I can't leave you alone.

Y/n: listen to me, we both know that I'm stronger, and you're kinda hurt you'll only get in my way....  yang is after blake, so I need you to make sure the others are okay.

Bakasura:(gets up) yes, you might want to hurry... things can get messy.

Y/n: go now!

Charlie: Fine, just stay safe okay....(summons his wings and took off)

The Son of Lucifer (malereaderxweiss)Where stories live. Discover now