A Change In Plans (s5)

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Author note, after watching volume 8 I can't help but to think that damn... all my ideas don't really work with this. So I came up with a better solution. I'll make my own ending and hope that it's better.  Anyways enjoy

Earning himself a quick alcohol break, y/n was seen in the kitchen going through every cellier trying to find anything else to drink that isn't wine.

Y/n: seriously... it's all wine and wine! I don't care how rich they are, who in the world will just drink spoiled grapes...

???: oh? Then what do you prefer?

Being caught by surprise, y/n quickly turn around to see an older woman.  She was a fair-skinned woman with white hair and slate-blue eyes, she immediately gave the celestial the oppression of this being Weiss's mother. Y/n steps to the side allowing the woman to walk past him grabbing a wine bottle from the cellier.

???: sorry if I frighten you.

Y/n: no need to worry, just caught me off guard it's all.

There was a moment of silence between them, which made y/n feel a bit uneasy meeting the mother of the girl he loves or loved? He's still trying to figure that one out.

Y/n: I don't think we met before, I'm y/n a friend of your daughter...I think...

Willow: So you're y/n, I'm Willow it's a pleasure to meet you.

Y/n:(nods) likewise.

In the past, Weiss will hardly bring up her mother's only on occasion when she was having a hard time stopping him from drinking or when she's having a bad day. Now he could see why weiss doesn't like when he drinks, though it's super hypocritical to say he could easily tell that Willow was a true alcoholic and is suffering from the same exact problem he is..... they can't get drunk anymore. 

Willow: So what's a boy like you doing here?

Y/n: well, I'm here to help out the best I can but lately, I think I have been causing more problems for everyone.

Willow: I know that feeling...

Y/n leans on the countertop crossing his arms while Willow sits at the nearby table with the wine bottle in hand.

Y/n: Weiss hardly ever spoke about you, but when she does she describe you in ways that I don't see right now.

Willow: That's because you just met me... but she's right. I never was a good mother to them... I left them when things got tough... I left them with their father. Whatever she told you, she's right and she has her reasoning.

Y/n knew that feeling all too well, though he never views his mother in that way due to the love he had for her he did have those feeling for his father. A few months ago he views his father in ways where revenge was the only solution but now things between them have gotten better after so much time.

Y/n: I think what you two need is a new start. Admit to the failures and try solving things before it's too late.

Willow: it already is. Weiss wants nothing to do with me.

Y/n: and you know that, how? No matter who they are or what they used or still do if Weiss stills holds any feelings towards them she'll want to keep them in her life.

After having said those words, y/n face began to slightly heat up but was able to hide it well.

Y/n: you're her mother, a bond between mother and their child can never be truly broken.

Willow: you speak as if you experienced this before.

Y/n: I'll be lying if I said I didn't...

Letting go of a sigh, he grabs a bottle of his own. Taking off the cork cap before downing a few sips.

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