Darkness (s5 final)

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Darkness is death

Death is destiny

And right now we're face to face

With darkness itself

After speaking his name to the world, Y/n found himself in the middle of a deep crater, completely engulfed in a dark aura. His clothes, which were pitch black, were flaring up as if on fire. The area around him was not improving; the sky was still night black, and the grimms who surrounded him were roaring to the sky to show their respect to the king.

Charlie and the others on the ledge couldn't believe their nightmare, the very thing they worried about and feared, had come true. They hope and pray to the one god above that this is all a show and that everything will go as planned, but simply staring at the Dark demon may not be as simple.

An evil laugh echoed through every corner of Atlas, and everyone turned to look in the direction it was coming from, where they saw y/n laughing for whatever reason. Salem looked at her nephew in horror, not wanting to get his attention.

Salem: this form...this power...it's the same as back then...when he had the power bestowed upon him by God but returned it...so why?

The demon begins to speak, his voice has became a lot different it's deep, cold and dark.

Y/n: fantastic!!!! My power is surging as if my body were being rejuvenated!Hahahahahahah!!!

Still sporting his trademark smirk, which appears to be expressing a much different meaning than before, he begins to look around, surprised at what he was sensing.

Y/n: What exactly is this? Everything appears to be very different...everything has been destroyed...what happened? Have I been asleep? And, if so, how long?

His eyes darted around, trying to make sense of the strange environment he had found himself in; the sound of rocks moving caused him to turn to the side, only to see Salem trying to get up, but she froze like a rat when she was met with y/n cold dark red eyes; Salem was left speechless; nothing was coming out of her mouth, but what she was thinking. Y/n narrowed his eyes, annoyed and disrespected that a lesser being wasn't responding right away, but what made him relax was the sense of similarity emanating from that woman. He takes a step forward, and once he has a good view of the person, he can easily recognize who she is.

Y/n: Salem? (Takes a step closer) Aunt?

He comes to a halt a few feet away from his aunt, amazed at how much Salem has changed. She went from being the most beautiful woman in heaven to the most...well, disgusting soul he'd ever met.

Y/n: why do you look like that? What caused it to undergo such a heinous transformation?

Salem: he's acting as if he doesn't know...

When she turned her head, she was taken out of her thoughts by the sight of dark red eyes staring her down with hatred.

Y/n: I'm talking to you....

His aunt staggers back, terrified of him.

Salem:  what's going on right now? Does he not see me as an enemy? No, it's very different.

She looks to the side and sees Charlie and team Rwby standing on the ledge because they were afraid to go down the crater, which gave her an idea.

Salem: (bowing) My nephew, you have finally awakened from your slumber!

Y/n: (cautious) my slumber?

Salem: (sweating) yes!You've been sleeping for eons!

Y/n: I see, (places a hand on the side of his face) that explains why my memories seem foggy; it must be a side effect of my sleep.

The Son of Lucifer (malereaderxweiss)Where stories live. Discover now