Fault (s5)

423 19 7

Landing on the ground, y/n and Charlie watch their friends following a Grimm to the outskirts of the city.

Charlie: What are we going to do!?

He looks at y/n who was completely out of it.

Y/n: I...I..I

Charlie: Y/n!

He grabs his cousin by the collar of his shirt and shakes him a bit, which makes y/n shake his head bring him back from the false reality he was lost in.

Charlie: Come on! that thing has Oscar!

Y/n: yeah! Yeah! I know!

He pushes his cousin off him before fixing his coat.

Y/n: our only option is to follow them.

Charlie: But they're so far ahead even with our speed we might not be able to reach them in time. We could use our wings-

Y/n: ah YES! and let Salem know that we're here so she can bring hell down on this place.

Charlie: Then you think of a plan, smartass!

Y/n cross his arms trying to think of a plan, he then snaps his finger with a big smile across his face.

Y/n: it's easy, we just need to use your abilities!

Charlie: eh!? But you just said-

Y/n: no, just think about it first. Salem isn't an angel nor demon like us, she's a fallen. she may be able to sense us if time stops completely but she can't sense it if it slows down.

Charlie: I'm not like my father, y/n. I can only stop time completely, it only slows down when my ability first activates (realize) I get it now.

Y/n: see? All you have to do is use your ability and once you realize that time is coming to a complete halt, deactivate it. You'll have to continue to pattern until we can catch up.

Charlie: And you're sure our aunt won't sense us?

Y/n:(smiles) I promise she won't.

Charlie: Alright, let's give this a shot.

It's transition over to Jaune, Yang, and Lie drive their hoverbikes across the tundra just outside Mantle, following The Hound up into a rocky chasm.

Jaune: It's going to lose us in these mountains! We can't keep up!

Ren's bike starts shaking, and he looks at the frost-covered display, to find its engine is losing integrity.

Ren: I don't know how much longer these bikes can stand the cold.

Yang: (sarcastic)I really wish we had someone who can FLY!

Jaune: Wait, hold on!

Jaune deploys his shield on his arm and hits the brakes on his bike, moving back to drive parallel with Ren.

Jaune: Ren, going to get you up there.

Jaune lifts his shield up, and Ren leaps from his hoverbike to land on Jaune's shield. Jaune charges the Gravity Dust in his shield and blasts Ren toward The Hound. As he flies through the air, Ren launches one of StormFlower's blade cables and wraps it around The Hound's hind leg.

Yang: Nice!

Yang highfives Jaune, causing Jaune to briefly lose balance on his bike. The Hound begins flying more erratically, slamming Ren against cliffs.

Yang: (over comms) Okay, not as nice.

Jaune: He's slowing him down. (over comms) Hold on, Ren!

Ren: I don't have much of a choice!

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