Extra: A Future With You part 6

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The morning after y/n dealt with the robbers, he had Charlie come over to make sure that Chloe wasn't getting her powers so soon after she saved Weiss from a bullet. They were all in the living room, Charlie was sitting down on a chair while Weiss sat across from him on a couch, and y/n was standing behind her.

Charlie: So a bubble of light was around you, keeping you safe from getting shot?

Weiss:(holding Chloe who was asleep) yeah, and when I looked down, one of her eyes was an orange...amber color. 

Charlie: wait only one?

Weiss: yeah, that's not normal right?

Y/n: no, not normal at all.

Charlie: well, I can't sense any celestial energy coming off her; So I'm guessing she only got her power for those few seconds.

Y/n: but it shouldn't be possible for her to only get her powers just for a few seconds and then vanish.

Charlie: I'm confused also...it makes no sense, is she okay? Is there any difference?

Weiss: as of right now she's normal, but I'm afraid what will happen later.

Charlie: I don't think you should worry, it could just be that she wanted to protect you.

Weiss: I guess you're right...thank you again for coming over, I know you have the twins and all

Charlie: it's alright, Yang is home taking care of them. Got to say though if when she gets her powers back it won't be as painful.

Y/n: that's not helping me from my fear buddy....

Charlie:(nervously chuckle)sorry.

Weiss:(looks at Chloe) so, her powers are based on her angel side.

Charlie: so she'll be like me with her own and y/n abilities.

Y/n: the amount of power she was able to let off though,  it even got me shaking.

Charlie: clearly, she's going to surpass us...

Weiss(sighs) this is so stressful...

Charlie: it's normal for you to feel that  way; I would be the same if that were to happen to my kids.

Weiss: I know.

Y/n:(puts a hand on her shoulder) if you want, we can go relax at the beach.

Weiss:(face him) really?

Y/n: yeah, it'll give us a break.

Weiss: that'll be fun.(turn towards Charlie) oh, your family can come to.

Charlie: you sure?

Weiss: yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Charlie: you don't remember the last time you both went on vacation.

Weiss and y/n: Uhhh...


Weiss and Y/n were waiting patiently at an airline terminal, Weiss was tapping on her Scroll with an array of crisp-white suitcases at her feet.  Y/n was wearing a backpack reading a book about the place they were going, he closed the book and started to look around.

Y/n:(confuse)ummm Weiss?

Weiss:(not paying attention) yes?

Y/n: didn't you say it was going to be just us?

Weiss: yeah why?

Y/n gently placed a hand on her head making her face Ruby who was standing next to them with a crimson rolling suitcase.

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