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Another light chapter sorry, aint much action; there's is some info here you'll need. but we're finally getting to the end. I'll be trying to finish season 4 by the end of the week before you know school....

Y/N, Charlie, Ruby, Nora, Ren and Qrow are all gathered in Ironwood's offices , all of them have worried looks on their faces while Charlie looks like he was ready to kill the general as he overlooks security cam footage of Robyn's truck suddenly becoming invisible. Ironwood angrily slams his fist onto the table.

Ironwood: This is the worst case scenario! More people are dead, Penny's been framed, somehow, Jacques Schnee is sitting on the council, and someone have taken the blade!.

Charlie:(glared) you said that I could have trusted you to keep it safe! Now it's loose in the kingdom!

Y/n: how is it possible that a powerful weapon in that caliber was swipe from under you like that?

Winter: clearly this person was no amateur, they destroy every evidenced; the group of scientists can't remember what happened due to getting a blown to back of the head and one was killed; he probably  saw the intruder face.

Charlie: now a dangerous weapon is in mortal hands. I shouldn't have never trusted you; that blade should have been destroy!

Qrow: Charlie relax...

he pulls Charlie back to talk to him, while clover walks forward.

Clover: That's not the only problem, the second shipment for Amity that was hit today. It seems election night was the last push Robyn needed to go from hometown hero to full-on vigilante.

Winter: I'm afraid the problem is more complicated than that.

Ironwood sighs and begins pacing behind his desk.

Ironwood: It seems Robyn has emboldened our suppliers in Mantle. They're refusing to sell us provisions until the city is adequately repaired. With Robyn redistributing the goods her team has stolen, the Amity Project is completely stalled.

Ruby: But we're so close. There has to be some way we can finish the tower.

Winter: There is - declaring martial law.

Ruby and Nora's eyes widen, and they look at Ironwood, who stares outside through the window. Y/n cross his arms thinking about the situation.

Nora: You're not actually considering that, are you?

Ironwood: What's more important? Establishing communications, unite the world? Or appeasing a few city blocks?

Nora: (emotional) Don't make it sound trivial when you know it isn't. You keep talking about how we just need a little more time, but you're not the one having to struggle. 

Y/n: I'm actually with ironwood here...

Ruby: y/n?....

Y/n: rubes, we need to do what will help us in the long run. What will a couple of blocks do compare to the whole world in this war? Sacrifices must be made no matter the cost.

Charlie: unless the cost involves millions of innocent people dying.

He walks over to his cousins looking at him.

Y/n: innocents will always die no matter what; and if we stand around waiting many more will fall.

Charlie:(glares) going down this path will lead to a lot more destruction and suffering. we both made it clear that we'll make sure that'll never happen again.

The Son of Lucifer (malereaderxweiss)Where stories live. Discover now