The lost farm boy(s3)

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Ruby: Oscar!

Y/n: come here oscy, ocsy!

Weiss: he's not a dog.

Y/n:(throws his arms up)well, we tried everything!

team RWBY along with y/n was walking down the streets of Argus, searching for the lost boy. They've been out for hours, and no were close to finding him. They looked around to see the streets packed with all sorts of people, going about their day. Charlie rushes over from taking care of qrow.

Charlie: Hey, I just got your message, what's going on?

Blake: Oscar just disappears, and we have no idea where can he be.

Charlie: but this city's enormous, he could've gone anywhere.

Yang: couldn't you guys just use your wings to see him from above?

Y/n: our wings haven't finished recovering yet, so we're stuck on the ground.

Ruby: what else can we do?

Weiss; I don't know, but if we keep standing around he'll be out of the Argus before we know it.

Charlie: he'll be too far for us to even do anything.

Y/n: if there was a way to keep him still for a few seconds then we can——(remember) oohhhhh

Team rwby blankly stares at the two celestial

Blake: did they just remember one of them can stop time?

Yang: at this point, I'm not even surprised...

Y/n: well, we'll see you later.

Ruby: wait—-

Before she could continue, time stopped around them only leaving y/n and Charlie.

Y/n: yeah take that!

Charlie: having fun?

Y/n: a little, but back to being serious. He can be anywhere so you have any clues to where he can be at?

Charlie: hmmm, we could track his aura level.

Y/n: I already tried, there were too many people moving for me to get a pinpoint.

Charlie: we could track ozpin aura.

Y/n: it'll be weak, but it could work since it going to be different than the others.

Charlie:(close his eyes) okay.....,  I'm sensing something over there.

He points to the direction where Oscar might be.

Y/n: lead the way, dear cousin.

Charlie begins to walk to their destination, after passing through a bunch of shops that were selling a lot of interesting items, Y/n decided to take a look at one of them, after looking around for a bit he found a light blue diamond necklace. he quickly grabs it putting it in his pocket, he turns back around to see his cousin staring him down

Charlie: Are you seriously going to steal that?

Y/n: well it's more like borrowing, besides he probably stoled it first so no hard feeling, right?

Charlie(sighs); I guess not, are you going to give that to Weiss?

Y/n: yeah, her birthday is around the corner so I was thinking of giving this to her, to thank her for dealing with me for the longest.

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