A Well Deserve Day Off(s4)

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It's currently 5am, y/n was waiting outside the room where team rwby is staying waiting for Weiss so they can walk together to the training room; but she's surprising late. He took a bite out of his bagel; looking down at his scroll. He then hears the door open looking over to see Weiss standing looking right at him with a smile.

Y/n: what's up with you?

Weiss: what? I can't smile?

Y/n: no, but you seem awfully cheerful this morning, had a good dream?

Weiss:(walks up to him) yup, I haven't slept that good in awhile.

Y/n:(chuckles) I can tell(kiss her in the cheek) I hope that happens more often I love seeing your smile.

Weiss:(blush) don't just be saying that you dolt...

Y/n:(smirks) what, I can't give complements to you now?

Weiss:(lost for words)... just don't say those things out of no where.

Y/n: come on it's not like you enjoy it.

Weiss didn't say a word, instead she grabs y/n arm and beings to drag him to the training room.

Y/n: hey, hey what are you doing?

Weiss: trying to get you to be quiet!.

Y/n:(smiles) hey, I wasn't wrong though....

Weiss: quiet!

In the Atlas Academy training room, Blake  uses her Semblance and jumps from pillar to pillar while Yang follows, Charlie then suddenly appears In front of blake; yang saw that he was rising his fist so she quickly grab blake moving them out of the way just as Charlie slam his fist down destroying the pillar.he looks over to them giving them a slight smile as they return one. Below them, Y/n jumps back dodging an attack from Weiss's Arma Gigas Summon, Both Weiss and the Arma dash towards him as he let out a smirk slamming his foot into the ground lunching himself at them, he slides under the arma kicking its leg causing it to fall on one knee. As he got to Weiss, he lunches himself in the air going for another kick but Weiss quickly use a yellow glyphs to move out of the way in time as y/n slams into the ground. he suddenly saw a shadow towering over him he turns around to see the arma back on its feet striking down its sword. Y/n takes one big step throwing a hard punch against the sword destroying it; the arma then kicks him sending him across the room;Weiss then rushes over to the arma.

Y/n:(gets up) is that all you have?

Weiss: not even close.

The Arma was the first to make a move, once it got close to y/n it rises its fist getting ready for an attack; y/n blocks the punch with an open palm. He then used two hands ripping off the arm of the arma and with one motion swings the arm hitting the it on the head causing it to fall in defect. Y/n looks over at Weiss with a smirk as the arm disappear in his hands, Weiss who was still determine to beat him shoots Ice Glyphs towards him but instead of moving he stands there taking the hits causing the schnee to be surprise but not for long since he was already running at her, she got into a defensive stance as y/n leaps in the air getting ready to finish this, now falling towards Weiss he reels his fist back. instead of running nor putting up a shield to protect herself, Weiss quickly activates her black Glyphs causing y/n to be confuse at first but then let out a cocky smirk thinking that he already won. Once his fist made contact on the glyph, he saw that instead of destroying it, it turn red; it finally click to him.

Y/n: oh...shit...

Weiss:(smirks) told you.

y/n was then propel back with so much force that once he hits the wall she'll win due to the rules they made , but then she saw that y/n was flying towards her arma that was somehow getting up, she tires to stop it sadly  it was to late as the arma uppercuts y/n in the stomach sending him up hitting the ceiling. Weiss was finally able to make the arma disappear, she looks up to see y/n falling to the ground.

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