Investigation part 2

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Y/n crosses his arms, blocking the kick from vandel, but it had so much force it sent him through one of the train carts. Charlie tries to get the demon blade away from vandel, but he notices what he was doing, so he grabs Charlie from the back of his shirt, throwing him to a wall. Charlie quickly recovers dodging a punch from Vandel; he fights back by hitting vandel In the stomach and face, which it didn't look like faze him much.

Vandel: you are going to have to hit me harder than that buttercup.

Charlie: shut up.

Charlie goes in for the punch, Vandel move to the side dodging the attack, he counters by using the blade he cuts Charlie on the side causing him to lean which ends up him getting a knee to the jaw, he was able to keep his balance spitting out some blood and return to battle, Charlie kicks him hard enough to send him near the train carts as a hand punch through grabbing vandel by the hair pulling him to hit the cart. Y/n jumps through the cart, he then grabs vandel by the face swing him around slamming him on the cart, he repeatedly slams his face against the cart, then full force throws vandel to a cart that wasn't ripped apart which cause the train the fall over. Y/n runs over to check on Charlie

Y/n: hey, you good?

Charlie: yeah..... the blade is damping our regeneration and strength, turning us into mortals.

Y/n; I know...

Charlie: you need to use your demon face.

Y/n: right! His eyes blink red but then turn back to normal, huh?

Charlie: what's going on?

Y/n: I don't know I can't use it!

Charlie: try again!!

Y/n: what do you think I'm doing!?
His eyes go red, again it goes back to normal doing nothing, why it's not working!! He slaps his head

Charlie: shit.....

they see that vandel was getting up looking very angry.

Y/n: this is going to be harder then I thought...

We are now with team rwby who are fighting against Roman and his stole paladin as a gun manages to fire at the area between Blake and Yang, but out from the blast comes Ruby, who slashes the metal with her blade, causing it to falter

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We are now with team rwby who are fighting against Roman and his stole paladin as a gun manages to fire at the area between Blake and Yang, but out from the blast comes Ruby, who slashes the metal with her blade, causing it to falter. 

Ruby: Checkmate!

Blake and Weiss go in this time, each girl going for the feet until Weiss jumps up and stabs a sensor before leaping off of a white glyph. Roman lifts the Paladin's foot to crush Blake, but Weiss summons another glyph under her teammate to launch her backward before the crushing blow can land. Roman growls and fires off the missiles, but Weiss and Blake flip backward as the explosions merely hit where they were.  Finally, Weiss jumps up too high, and Roman fires a double energy blast at her. Myrtenaster absorbs the damage, but Weiss is thrown back, so she casts a beam of light from her weapon to the ground under Blake, forming a yellow clockwork circle that's absorbed into the Faunus girl and lets her slice through each launched missile with ease in a flurry of super-fast slashes. 

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