Welcome Back (s4)

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Team RWBY,RNJ and Qrow  we're still staring at y/n in complete shock, he was wearing a gray suit and appears to have no damage/scars from his last battle.

Clovers:(to qrow) who is this guy?

Qrow: he's the other angel; but he should be ... dead...

Y/n:(smiles as he tilt his head to the side) you guys okay? You look like y'all have seen a ghost.

Yang: y/n... how... are... you... alive...

Y/n:(blankly stares) really? is that the first thing you're going to tell me?... wow; such a warm welcoming .

Without hesitation Weiss runs over to him, hugging him burying her face in his chest.

Y/n:(puts his arms around her) now this is what I'm talking about.

Weiss:(sob, holding him tighter) you're... here...

Y/n: it's good to be back schnee.

Weiss: schnee?...

Clover:(Clears his throat) sorry to Ruined this moment but who are you?

Y/n:(let's go of Weiss) ah, I totally forgot about you (he took offense) call me y/n.... y/n Morningstar.

Clover: rright..., well y/n; we'll need to take you to General Ironwood for further questioning.

Y/n: oh that wouldn't be necessary; your boss and I; know each other fairly well.

Clover: still. (looks at everyone) let's go.

he glares at y/n before walking away, y/n just smirks.

Weiss:(grabs his hand) let's go y/n.

Charlie: hold on Weiss; I need to speak to him, it'll be quick.

Weiss: umm, okay?... I'll see you over there...

Y/n:(waves at her as she leaves) see ya.

Charlie: y/n; your here... how?

Y/n: isn't it quite obvious; our grandfather gave me another chance.

Charlie: he did... what did he wanted in return?

Y/n: I mean does it matter; Im back aren't I?

Charlie: I know; but you came back after it only being couple of hour... days even.

Y/n: (smiles) well that just shows who's god favorite grandson is,(pats Charlie On the shoulder) don't worry at least you ain't last.

Charlie:(looks at his shoulder) I just want to know-(looks back to see his cousin gone) great; don't let me finish.

As the sun begins setting over the mountains around the abandoned Dust mine, four trucks drive up the road to the mine entrance, and Amity Colosseum floats toward the mine

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As the sun begins setting over the mountains around the abandoned Dust mine, four trucks drive up the road to the mine entrance, and Amity Colosseum floats toward the mine. Soon after the trucks arrive at the mine entrance, Team RWBY, Team JNR, Y/n, Charlie , Qrow  and the Ace-Ops walk outside. Marrow looks at Clover and then attempts to put on a more serious demeanour. Ruby , Jaune and Nora come together to gaze in dramatic admiration of the Ace-Ops, while Ren, Blake , Weiss and Yang watch the three with wide eyes. 

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