Our way(season 3 final)

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Bakasura extends his claws dashing towards y/n going for an overhead strike. Y/n jumps to the side avoiding the attack. Bakasura quickly swung to the side making Y/n block the attack and counter punching him in the face. while gazed y/n kicked him in the stomach pushing him back. Bakasura quickly recovers closing the distance as he leaps into the air slamming his claws down on Y/n blade, both clashes trying to get an upper hand.

Bakasura: you could had have everything you ever wanted!!

Y/n doesn't say a thing, he pushes bakasura back then followed up by swinging his blade which just grazed Bakasura chest, he just growls delivering a hit with such power that when y/n blocked it, he was pushed back far. Bakasura suddenly appears Infront of him trying to cut off his head but y/n ducks, he then lunches himself upwards delivering an uppercut, knocking him back. Y/n saw his chance he dash forward trying to stab Bakasura in the chest but He recovers blocking y/n blade with his claws, as they were lock-in they both stared at each other with hatred.

Bakasura: do you want to return down there?! To never see your loved ones again!? You could have stayed here with them! With her!

Y/n: I know! And I want to but I'm not doing this just for me, I'm doing this for them!

Bakasura: what!

Y/n: you don't know anything about me or my friends! or you don't know what's truly going on but they deserve better than this!

Bakasura: these mortals are making you weak!

Y/n: no, they're making me stronger.... after all, I am half-human.

Bakasura: really?... well then once I'm done with you, I'll see your little club and send them down with you!

Y/n lost it; he punches bakasura in the stomach which left him gazed, y/n then kicks him in the face sending him to the ground. Bakasura gets up and rushed towards him as y/n did the same. Both clashed in a flurry of attacks. Bakasura swung down at Y/n, but he pulled up his blade to block the attack. Y/n then quickly punches Bakasura in the face. He reeled back but he was able to block the blade from entering his neck. He then sent a large downward swing towards y/n, But y/n managed to block it in time, they locked in again both pushing each other back. Y/n had enough he then sweeps bakasura leg from under him, time seems to have slowed down as bakasura looks as he was laying in middle air and with one full power(60%) punch in the stomach y/n sends bakasura into the ground creating a giant crater around them. Y/n glared at bakasura on the ground as he goes back to normal.

Y/n: you won't get near them as long as I live.

Bakasura:(laughs) haha I lost, I may not be able to hurt them but if my plan goes according to plan I don't need to...

Y/n:(grabs his head) what are you talking about!?

Bakasura: haven't you notice? How everyone is somehow fighting...The girl and her friends against a mech, and that faunas... let just say her past is catching up to her...

Y/n: you planed all of this? You're trying to stop us...(realize what he said about blake) you send Adam after her!

Bakasura: it won't be long till he gets his revenge...

Y/n puts away blade on his side, bakasura takes a quick glance at the blade as y/n walks closer to him putting both hands on his head

Y/n:(smiles) then I have to finish you off now.

Bakasura begins to feel pressure on his skull, y/n was putting in more force every second trying to make bakasura suffer, but before he could have crushed his skull in bakasura quickly reaches for his blade, y/n tried to stop him but it was too late bakasura got a hold on the blade and stabs it in his chest. Y/n gasp from the shock he got up turning his back from bakasura, he was in so much pain screaming in agony but still trying to pull the blade out but it didn't budge
Bakasura gets off the ground extending his claws once he got close to y/n, he grabs him by his shoulder pulling him in stabbing his claw through his chest. Y/n spits out blood, he looks down to see the claw he grabs onto it but couldn't do anything. He couldn't feel pain... he couldn't move... couldn't speak... he just slumps down.

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