The Devil son

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The moon was shining on the darkest side of vale, people running wild killing, stealing from each other, but from above all they were all scared from one thing, y/n Morningstar


a man was running away scared to death not wanting to be caught, he tried to climb up a fence, but before he got over, he was grab from behind and was thrown landing on the ground hard, he was severely hurt but was able to look who did it.

a man was running away scared to death not wanting to be caught, he tried to climb up a fence, but before he got over, he was grab from behind and was thrown landing on the ground hard, he was severely hurt but was able to look who did it

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Y/n: well lad, you weren't as much of a challenge as I thought you'll be. Grabs him and shove him against the fence, so why were you trying to steal from me, huh!!?

Thug: I.....I... I... Just needed the money!!!

Y/n: oh? So you thought out of everyone here in this bloody damn place you pick me to rob, do you know who I am??!!!

Thug: you're known as The devil the most dangerous man in this part of town...........please let me go!!!

Y/n: not until you tell me something looks straight eye contact at the men, what do you truly desire the most in this world?

Thug: to... to be the most popular men in all of vale

Y/n: I see.... well then you'll be popular after your punishment

Thug: wh—-

before he was able to finish y/n eyes blink red as he threw the thug at the wall with such force he went through it, fixing his jacket he looks at the hole he made

Y/n: pity, I was going to help him, but his desire was too selfish for a human walks away

Y/n: pity, I was going to help him, but his desire was too selfish for a human walks away

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At beacon
Ruby: professor you called us?

Ozpin: why yes please come in team rwby enter his office

Ozpin: Good afternoon, girls. I'm sure you've all been wondering why I called you here.

Ruby: What's up?

Ozpin: I have an interested in this person that I want you all to bring to me, he's in the darkest side of town many known him as the devil, I had already sent a huntsman, but he failed being sent to the hospital.

The Son of Lucifer (malereaderxweiss)Where stories live. Discover now