Blood Forever (season 4 final)

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POV Y/n, 30 mins ago location: hell

Y/n was thrown onto the ground cracking the floor the around him; he wasn't looking so good his clothes were ripped with his own blood on them, his face was bruised and swollen and his right arm was completely broken, he got up slowly trying to ignore the pain but the figure rushes him once more; luckily y/n jumps to the side dodging the attack that could have easily killed him, Creating some space y/n believe that now he'll be able to breathe but the figure appears behind him kicking back into the ground, the figure then help y/n off the ground trying to make him stand up straight before unleashing multiple hard punches in the chest. Y/n felt all of his ribs breaking, falling onto his knees; the figure chuckles as it starts to run super fast around him.

Y/n:(weak) no matter... what I do... he's one step ahead... this pain... I can't do it...

His father was watching the fight from the back, he was feeling a bit nervous for his son since he knows that if y/n fails this task, the only chance that remnant has to beat Salem is out of the window.

Lucifer: y/n you're so close just to give up now... you must get up and finish this.

Y/n:(looks down In shame) ....I'm trying...but I'm just too weak...

He tries to get off the ground but the injuries he received on his legs prevented him from moving any further causing him to fall on his knees again.

Lucifer: no, y/n you're not weak... you're not using your full strength.

Y/n: I'm using all of my strength!.. but this thing is still toying with me!

Lucifer:(sighs) you still don't see it?

Y/n: no... and I don't want too... I just want this to stop...

Lucifer had enough, he got off the wall he was leaning on and pointed at y/n.

Lucifer: that's the problem!

Y/n: what?

Lucifer: You said that you're using all of your strength but I know that's not true!

Y/n:... but I am! I'm using all of it!.

Lucifer: no, you're not; your meaning of 100% is nowhere near close to your actual full power... but you forgot all about it after you seal them away inside you; putting up barriers so you couldn't access them no matter what.

Y/n looks down squeezing his broken arm.

Lucifer: y/n, you always saw your powers as a curse and not as a gift; only thinking the worst when using them. God wants that to stop... And so do I. Just Let go of the reason why you hate them, to let go of the reason why you put up those barriers...

Y/n started to shake slightly, remembering his past. Remembering the man he used to be when he was the god of darkness when he had humans and the divine on their knees to worship him when he ruled the land by causing suffering to the innocents. He hated it... He hated remembering that version of him, how he used to smile when someone would beg him for mercury or to save their loved ones from death, to stand and laugh as the creatures he created go around and kill humans. He didn't want to go back... he doesn't want to be that person anymore...

Y/n: When I used to use my full power...I love it... how easy it was to get away with things... to look at others suffer.... to feel their hatred instead of my own.... but now I don't want to feel that hatred again, to lose control again!

Lucifer couldn't help but have Empathy for his son because he knows how it feels since he went through it as well with mortals and his father.

Lucifer: I understand what you're saying son but that was because you had 3 million years' worth of pain and suffrage in your heart and head. (took a deep breath) Remember how your powers work! You're the only celestial who can use their abilities without emotions... but with them added will lead to what happened along time ago ... y/n, you have people to share your pain now, so you must let go of those feelings; of being afraid of hurting the people close to you... the hate towards yourself and your powers... and start to think of what has been driving you forward... protecting the people around you, the world... to protect the woman you love...then you'll be free, not from here, but from yourself.

The Son of Lucifer (malereaderxweiss)Where stories live. Discover now