Light the candle

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Y/n and Charlie, along with Team RWBY minus Blake, are all in the ballroom setting up for the dance. Weiss goes up to ruby sitting at a table alongside y/n currently sleeping.

Weiss: I need you to pick a tablecloth.

slides two squares over to Ruby, both seeming to be the same shades of white which confuse ruby

Ruby: Aren't they both the same?

Weiss: sighs, I don't even know why I asked!
Y/n, what about you? Y/n doesn't answer,
y/n wake up!

She shakes him but failed. Yang walks into the room, carrying a massive speaker while Charlie follows behind carrying a large box. He puts the box next to the speaker and walks over to them

Charlie: I got this.

He slaps y/n so hard he falls off the chair, instantly waking him up.

Y/n: I'm up!!!

He gets up quickly, starting to feel the pain from the slap.

Y/n:Oww, why did you have to hit me so hard, jeez!

Charlie: Weiss needs to ask you something.

Y/n: he turns to her, what?

He asks in an annoyed tone.

Weiss: which one?

She holds up the 2 table cloths, y/n just stared with a vacant look

Y/n: seriously, that's what I got a slap for? Fine, go with the white heavy-duty, it may be cheap, but the fabric is nothing more but Pleasant.

Weiss: Hmmm, not a bad choice.

Weiss walks away to arrange the tables while y/n finds himself staring after her. He turns around Massaging his eye to wake him up as Charlie walk over, whispering to each over

Y/n: found anything?

Charlie: nothing

Y/n; you didn't see any holy weapon, magic spells, hell even holy water.

Charlie: nothing y/n, I couldn't find anything.

Y/n runs his fingers through his hair

Y/n: great, what can it be then?

Charlie: it could be what happen yesterday.

Y/n: me stabbing myself with a knife?

Charlie: no, love is what makes you vulnerable.

Y/n: Oh, not this again.

Charlie: but isn't it obvious?

Y/n: look, we will talk about this later.

Charlie: whatever, sorry for that hard hit.

Y/n: Oh sure, I bet you're enjoying this, aren't you?

Charlie: what nooooo.... okay maybe a little.

Y/n: you little shi-

Yang: Weiss! I thought we agreed, No doilies!

Weiss: If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!

Y/n: who do you think will win?

Charlie: really? Is That Necessary?

Ruby: I have all my money on yang.

Y/n and Charlie look to the side forgetting that ruby was there giving her a confused look

Y/n; it's either your more forgetful then Charlie or that you're too short.

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