Extra: A Future With You part 4

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Just to let you guys know the voting for how Chloe will look In the future is still up, so if you skip that and yet want to vote; go to the recent author note and It'll be there.  

Weiss was currently laying down on the floor in Chloe's room trying to get her to say her first words.  

Weiss: Okay Chloe let's try this again say mama.  

Chloe just looks at her mother with a smile on her face.  

Weiss: say ma..ma. 

Her daughter starts to giggle as she grabs a hold on her finger. 

Weiss:(sighs) you're too cute to get mad at. 

Chloe's starts cooing, making Weiss' eyes widen. 

Weiss:(smiles) okay come on, say mama; Ma..ma. 

Chloe: Ba! 

Weiss:(hangs her head) at least that was something.... 

Y/n:(offscreen) Weiss, you're here!? 

Weiss: I'm in Chloe's room! 

Y/n walks in his daughter's room

Y/n:there you are. 

Weiss:(smiles) you're home early. 

Y/n: yeah, Oscar didn't need much; so how was your day? 

Weiss: Well I finally had that meeting for the company and now I'm trying to get our daughter here to speak her first words.  

Y/n: and how's that working for you? 

Weiss:(sighs) it's not going how I plan it but at least she- 

Chloe: ba... ba... da... dada! 

Both of her parents' eyes widened.

Y/n: wait... did she just... 

Weiss: you gotta be kidding me.... 

Y/n rushed over picking up his daughter off the floor. 

Y/n: your first word! You heard that Weiss?!(Hugs Chloe) 

Weiss:(a bit salty) yeahhh, I heard her.... 

Y/n:(smirks) awww Weiss, don't be mad. 

Weiss: what me? mad? Noooo; it's not like i spent more than 3 hours trying to get her to say mama. 

Y/n; oh come on, don't be like that;(looks at Chloe) hey, who's that? 

He point at Weiss, Chloe looks at her as she smiles.

Y/n: she's your mom, say mama.  

Chloe: mmmmm....ma.... mama!   

She reaches for her, Weiss couldn't hold it in anymore, dropping a tear before taking her from y/n as she hugged her  from happiness. 

Chloe: mama... mama! 

Weiss: you did it! You said mama and dada! 

Y/n:(smiles crossing his arms) see, she just wanted to leave the best for last. 

Weiss:(smiles as she rolls her eyes)  Mommy is so happy for you, Chloe, I'll always love you. 

Chloe giggles before hugging her mom; Weiss hugs her back tightly. 

Y/n: well, I'll go cook dinner. 

He was about to leave but Weiss grabs his hand. 

Weiss: Later, let's just enjoy this moment together. 

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