Off To The Races!(s5)

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The scene opens up with Charlie slowly opening his eyes taking a deep breath of air. He notices that his wings are out but he doesn't remember why, because of his confusion he begins to look around his surroundings trying to understand what's going on. He then suddenly heard an ear-piercing scream, he quickly looked down and saw a village on fire as the people living within were running out trying to save themselves and their families. Charlie flies down to see the horror that awaits him, he sees dozens of bodies laying on the ground being ripped apart by Grimms. He tried to do something but he couldn't move his body. Out of nowhere, a sudden black mist started to surround everything around him, He couldn't help but look straight ahead to see the Grimms turning their heads to the side before quickly running off leaving the bodies behind. Charlie started to breathe rapidly while sweating, but what almost got his heart to stop was a pair of dark red eyes that was able to be seen through the thick black mist. Charlie could feel his heart and head aching painfully as he watched as the world around him began to glitch out, the village suddenly changed into a destroyed mantle with atlas falling to the ground. The bodies slowly morph from strangers to his friends lying dead on the ground. He gripped onto his head letting out an agonizing scream before returning back to reality, he looked around and saw that he was in an alleyway he tried to control his breathing but was failing.

Charlie: the hell was that!? Those eyes....they remind me of...

Y/n: you're finally awake! It's a miracle! Good to know even my prayers can be heard!

Charlie watched as his cousin sits down across from him.

Y/n: "let's take AN hour break," he says! It's been THREE!

He looked up at his older cousin and saw his face pale for some reason.

Y/n: hey, you're alright?

Charlie: huh? Oh...yeah... I'm fine...

He's got off the ground facing away from y/n readjusting his jacket.

Y/n:(shrugs) well, alright then.

Charlie: was that a memory or a vision? If so, why am I getting them now?

He takes a glance at y/n, before noticing something odd.

Charlie: this city falling into ruins, the people are falling into hard despair after being left behind by the people they thought they can trust. The Grimms are moving in with every passing second ......AND YOU DECIDE IT'S A GOOD TIME TO GET ICE CREAM!?

y/n is seen holding a vanilla ice cream cone, he looks up at his older cousin like a child who just got in trouble.

Y/n: hey! There's nothing wrong with having a little snack during your so-called BREAK!

Charlie: you're having ice cream... in mantle where it's snowing.....

Y/n:(raise an eyebrow) the issue is?...

Charlie: never mind(sighs) where did you even get that!?

Y/n: well you see....(looks at his ice cream) I... I actually don't know. I just walk past a building and I grab whatever I can.

Charlie: I'm disappointed in you, man...

Y/n: I disappoint myself.

He throws his treat to the side getting back up on his two feet.

Charlie: Well that was a waste.... but More importantly though, now that I'm awake. Are you sure we're going the right way?

Y/n: No. but...

He walks into the streets pointing at the huge crowd of people walking to who knows where.

Y/n: I bet they do!

The Son of Lucifer (malereaderxweiss)Where stories live. Discover now