Extra: A Future With You part 5

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Y/n was heading over to Charlie's house after receiving a voice mail that sounded kinda urgent; once he finally got there he allowed himself in and saw his cousin sitting on the couch not even facing him with the sound of crying coming from him.

Y/n:(walking towards him) You know; after Weiss kicked me out so she can have a girls night, I was planning on heading over to the bar for old time sakes but now I find myself here, so what do you want?

Charlie slowly turned around; y/n could see the horror in his cousin's face as the twins, Rey and Yuki were crying loudly.

Charlie: please help.... they won't stop...

Y/n:(sighs) and here I thought, I'll have a break of being a parent; here let me see.

He grabs Rey from Charlie and sits down across from him.

Y/n: now. now; there's no need to cry.

His nephew starts to cry even louder.

Y/n: Okay; how long have they been like this?!

Charlie: When did Weiss kick you out?

Y/n: like an hour ago...

Charlie: there's your answer...

Y/n:(eyes widen) oh...shit....

Charlie: they're never like this, so why now?

Y/n:(hands Rey back) Ummm their missing yang?

Charlie: But they were with her the whole day; besides they kinda like me more.

Y/n:(deadpan) I think them crying nonstop says otherwise.

Charlie: what can we do?

Y/n: We?

Charlie: y/n...

Y/n:(slowly back aways) I mean I kinda dealt with this already even though mine wasn't as bad.... but still I didn't complain.

Charlie: Come on don't be like that.

Yuki cry's louder which made both half hybrids flinch.

Y/n: every parent goes through this at least once.

Charlie: But as you already know; we're both aren't normal parents! Besides you had Weiss there to help you and right now yang isn't home so can you least be a kind cousin and help me out here!?

Y/n: but... but... fine; but you owe me.

Charlie: Whatever, just help!

With the girls.

Team Rwby were all in Weiss living room to have their little girls night.

Weiss: we're finally able to get together again, just us.

Blake: Got say it's actually kinda quiet and peaceful without the guys around.

Ruby: what are they even doing?

Yang: beats me; but if I have to guess...y/n is out drinking, Jaune is well Jaune no knows what comes across his mind. Sun is doing something reckless and Charlie is home resting.

Weiss: That's sounds accurate; but I don't think y/n is out drinking, he hardly even drinks now.

Blake: why not? He has a repetition of being a really heavy drinker.

Weiss: well he kinda stopped after Chloe was born.

Ruby: wait are you sure-

Weiss: YES I'm sure it's the real y/n this time! Thank you for reminding me.

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