The Cold Hard Truth part 2 (s3)

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Jinn: Once again, Salem was alone...

She walks by a pair of deer eating grass, as well as abandoned villages that are now inhabited by Grimm.

Jinn: She cursed her father, her nephew's. She cursed the universe. She cursed everything, everything but herself. She wandered the face of the planet, awaiting a death that would never come...

Salem then stands on the edge of an overhanging cliff in the land once inhabited by y/n. She looks down at the blackened pool below her.

Jinn: Until fate led her back to the Land of Darkness. This was it. This had to be it, the pools of black that continued to give rise to horrific nightmares. If the fountain of life granted her immortality, then surely, the pools of Grimm will finally take it away.

Without hesitation, Salem falls forward and is submerged into the blackened pool.

Jinn: She was wrong. This force of pure destruction could not destroy a being of infinite life.

Salem is thrashed around by an unseen force.

Jinn: Instead, it created a being of infinite life with a desire for pure destruction.

Salem crawls out of the pool, this time, her skin deathly white as well as her hair. She opens her eyes, irises red with black sclerae.

Jinn: And in time, she would find her adversary...

Ozma is shown awakening in a white space. He takes a look at his surroundings. Team RWBY all watch him walk around aimlessly, before a voice can be heard.

Charlie: Ozma.

Ozma turns around seeing The "god of light" standing there, just then the yellow glow starts to disappear allowing team RWBY to see that the whole time it was none other then Charlie.

Yang: he's.... the....

Blake: no.....

Ruby: how.....

Charlie(present) looks away from them and his past self, y/n still face them having a worried look on his face.

Ozma: Where am I?

Charlie: We are between realms. I'm afraid a tragedy has befallen your home at the hands of my cousin. We have chosen to depart this world, but in our absence, I would like to offer you the chance to return to it.

Ozma: I... don't understand.

Charlie: Mankind is no more once again, yet your world remains. And in time, your kind will grow to walk its face once again. However, without our presence, they will be but a fraction of what they once were.

Suddenly, Charlie conjures four objects: a staff, a sword, a crown, and a lamp.

Charlie: Creation, destruction, choice, and knowledge were the ideals upon which humanity was made. Now I leave them behind with the hope that you will learn to remake yourselves.

The four objects are conjoined together into a yellow sphere of energy.

Charlie: If brought together, these four Relics will summon the gods back to your world, and humanity will be judged. If your kind has learned to live in harmony with one another and set aside their differences, then we shall once again live among you, and humanity will be made whole again. But if your kind is unchanged, if you demand our blessings while still fighting amongst yourselves, then man will be found irredeemable and your world will be wiped from existence. Until your task is complete, you will reincarnate, but in a manner that ensures you are never alone.

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