A Trip Into Memories (s3)

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Yang: did you just say—

Ruby: THE PAST!!

Blake: Did we just.....time travel?

Y/n: no, no, Charlie made an illusion that is showing both of our memories.

Weiss:(sighs in reliefs) that's good.

Qrow:(looks at the big city) so is this one of the cities in the kingdom?

Charlie: actually there's isn't a kingdom is this era, there are just country's, states.

Oscar: countries? States? How old are you guys exactly?

Y/n: uh a few millions.......

Everyone: MILLIONS!

Y/n: why are you guys surprised? I could have sworn I said something.

Yang: well... we didn't expect you guys to be that old, you guys look so young.

Charlie: our aging stops once we reach our prime state, that's when our immortality kicks in.

Ruby; at least ain't all that weird for yang and Weiss.

Both girls blush from that comment.

Y/n: hahaha, well now that we got that out of the way. Why don't we get into why we're here.

Weiss: yes, please.

Blake: so what is this place?

Charlie: Like I said this is Los Angeles—

Ruby: wait like the food?

Y/n: no, that was a   lie so you can get off my back.

Ruby: you lied! I got in so much trouble!!

Y/n: you survive.

Charlie: MOVING ON! As you can tell the past and present are very much alike, except there weren't any semblances, kingdoms, Grimms, and faunas.

Blake: there weren't any faunas?

Y/n: if you count furries as one, but sorry in reality your race never existed until some humans, later on, evolve animal traits.

Blake: Ohh.... so I'm guessing in this time people live in Harmony.

Charlie: Oh god no, You see people in this era isn't as perfect as we make them out to be, there was always conflict no matter what it was about. That was the reason for their fall out.

Weiss: fall out?

Qrow: what are you talking about?

Y/n: even though there were conflict people did live peacefully, until one day the world leaders decided that what they had wasn't enough and wanted more. More power, more of everything.

He points at the city, everyone turns just to see a nuclear bomb falling onto the city blowing everything up, everyone stared in horror.

Blake: the city..... was.... blown up...

Charlie: it wasn't just a city, it was the whole world.

Qrow: what.... happened?

Y/n: every world leader put their country in an all-out war, and after a while they had enough,  using their bombs thinking that it will bring them the outcome they were all desperate for, but they were all mistaken one after another, countries have fallen, billions have died and in less than a month the human race was wiped from the planted, only one person was left.

Weiss: wait, one survive?

Blake: but from what your telling that should be Impossible.

Charlie: That would have been true if he wasn't completely human...

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