Count Down (s4)

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Writing this is so hard cause I keep forgetting that I made the two main Character the strongest oc ever. Anyways enjoy.

Ruby: Charlie, wait!!

Shes trying to stop Charlie's who's been running around the whole Academy looking for his cousin, ruby had enough and used her semblance to get in front of him.

Ruby: I said stop!!

Charlie:(he stops looking very worried) ruby you don't get it. If zeke is here; we're all in danger!

Ruby: but running around won't do anything, we need the others.

Charlie: we don't have time for that!

Ruby: they deserve to know too!, mostly Weiss. I may not know what's really going on.. or is that I don't want to believe that; that wasn't y/n but we can't just run in reckless. Come with me to ironwood office and we'll come up with a plan please.

Charlie: I'll meet you there... I need to keep searching.

He walks past her, ruby turns around trying to talk him out of it but saw that he wasn't there most likely to have used his time stopped to get out of there. She sighs as she begins walking to ironwood office.

Ruby: if that wasn't y/n... then where are you?

Location: hell.

The real y/n was walking behind Lucifer,  y/n just finished his second task and now going to the final one which his father said that it's the most difficult.

Y/n: dad, what is my last task?

Lucifer:(sighs) you'll know once we get there.

Y/n: there no point in hiding it, I know what's this is all about.

Lucifer: really?

Y/n: in order for me to return to the living, god wants me to let go... that's why I can't go under 60%, the meditation, seeing the past. All this is for me to stop holding back.

Lucifer: that true but there's a bigger picture.

Y/n: then what was it?

They stop Infront of a door.

Lucifer: that's for you to find out, son.

He opens the door revealing a black void, y/n looks at his father puzzled on what to do but Lucifer just push him in then walks inside closing the door behind him.

Y/n:(looks around) what is this place?

Lucifer: this is where you're having your final task.

Y/n: what-

Before he could have finish; he was struck across the face, holding onto his cheek he turns around to see who did, but then got hit in the stomach causing him to fall on one knee; A figure appear in front of him. Y/n looks up to see a pure white humanoid figure, and where it's eyes and mouth are suppose to be  were glowing red. Y/n gets up getting into a defensive stance.

team RWBY arrived with most of the ace-ops to ironwood office to see what was going on

Harriet: General Ironwood.

Ironwood turns his chair to face them.

Ironwood: We have made a critical error.

He places a queen chess piece made of black glass on his desk.

Ironwood: The Black Queen was the symbol Salem showed us before we lost everything. Her way of telling us she was inside. That it was too late. We stopped Watts. We stopped Callows, we discover a traitor among us but someone was here. They put this in my office to tell me that--

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