Extra: A Future with you part 2

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It's been 3 weeks since Weiss told the news to y/n; it took him a while to fully get used to knowing that he's going to be a parent but now seems to be kinda excited. Weiss is currently cooking dinner, watching her was ruby who's visiting after her mission, she was sitting at their table . Weiss needed more favor so she tried to get the salt but it was on the top shelf's out of her reach; She tries to reach for it but failed.

Weiss:(Continues to try) come on.... why did we get large cabinets! If one of us can't even reach that far!

Ruby: Weiss, you shouldn't really strain yourself.

Weiss: then how I'll be able to get it?, I need it for the food.

Ruby:(sarcastic)I don't know maybe you should call your 6 foot and a half husband to help you out.

Weiss: I don't need to always rely on him.

Y/n enters the kitchen.

Y/n: rely on me for what?

Ruby: hey y/n!

Y/n: hey runt.

Ruby: really, you're still calling me by that? I'm 21 now.

Y/n:(chuckles) you're still a runt to me (saw Weiss struggling to get the salt) oh,let me help you with that.

He effortlessly grabs the salt giving it to Weiss.

Weiss: thank you...

Y/n: remember you shouldn't be forcing yourself to do anything right now; so please let me know when you need help okay?

Weiss:(smiles) okay (y/n kiss her on the cheek before walking past her) where you're going?

Y/n: Charlie and Oscar needs help over at beacon. I'll be back before dinner; ruby look after her.

Ruby:(waves) already on it.

Weiss:(pouts) I'm not some child that needs a babysitter.

Y/n: I know, but I get worried to much (winks) see ya!

He walks out of the front door closing it from behind.

Ruby: wow so he's really on board with having a baby.

Weiss:(pours some salt on the food) yup, I'm surprise on how much he changed from having hatred to somewhat happy that we're going to be parents.

Ruby: I'm happy for the both you; it made sense though Y/n has change through out the years from meeting him for the first time at the house to now becoming family.

Weiss: (proudly) Well of course! He has to reach my standers for me to even stick around.

Ruby:(deadpan) really? I remember him not doing that. (Remembers y/n kicking down their door back at beacon)

Weiss: I was just joking... but it's good that he willing to change for me. That's what makes me love him even more.

Ruby:(smiles) awww, don't think I forgot about you ice queen. You change from a cold—

Weiss: I'll drop this very hot pan on your face.

Ruby: never mind!(quietly pretending to cry) why you're always nice to y/n?


Ruby had to leave, she said her goodbyes before leaving returning back to her house . Weiss just finished dinner so she decide to rest on the couch reading a book. She was able to go through a couple of pages before the door was kick open by y/n carrying about 7 boxes. He walks closer to Weiss dropping the boxes.

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