Extra: A future with you part 8

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Before we start!!! Sorry for the late chapter; lately, my life has become a movie for some dumb reason. A  couple of months ago, I peacefully minded my own business trying to get this chapter out, but I then totally forgot that I would have my finals! And to top it off that, I'm a senior in high school, so I got colleges to talk to...I had dumb graduation to attended to; I had other books on writing...As I was starting to lose ideas and inspiration, please be patient. I know this isn't what most of you wanted but this is just my way to ease myself back to this book but now that I'm back! Be expecting more later.

Outside of a small mansion on the outskirts of Atlas, a young girl who appears to be around the age of 5 was happily rushing through an open path located inside of a snowy forest. She has long white hair that very nicely complements her sky blue eyes.

???: Okay, this time I can't lose! Are you ready, daddy?

She turns around and spots her father standing way behind, looking to the side towards the deep forest. He had the hood of his jacket on his head, coving his face; this leaves her to pouts before rushing over there grabbing his hand.

???: hey, aren't we going to play?

As the wind grew more robust, it blew away her father's hood, revealing to be y/n. He looks down at his daughter before smiling at her.

Y/n: sorry about that, Chloe; I was thinking about something.

Chloe: it's okay, now let's go! This time I think I'll win.

Y/n:(chuckles) you said that last year but you still lost.

This made Chloe pout from anger, looking a lot like Weiss back in those beacons days. She then runs off and clarifies that the game starts now. She begins to look around, making sure she isn't missing any.

Chloe: come on! Come on! Where are you!?

Y/n: found one.

Chloe: eh? Where!

She runs over to her father's side, where he points at a blue flower starting to bloom on the side of the tree.

Y/n: it's barely starting to bloom, but it still counts; sadly, we can't bring that back to your mom.

Chloe: no way, I made sure that I didn't miss any. How did you find one!

Y/n:(smirks) you just have to pay closer attention, my snow angel.

With a face of determination, she's run off again even faster than before, leaving y/n a bit surprised but chuckles walking along the path. After a bit of running, Chloe spotted one on a single branch, hanging low, allowing her to get close.

Chloe: yes, I found one! And it's even full bloom. We can give it to mom!

She plucks it out and turns towards her father, showing it off, but saw y/n looking straight up before pointing.

Y/n: and I just found my second.

Chloe was ultimately in shock. She looks to where he was pointing and realizes. It's was way too high for her even to know that it was there, and that means one thing.

Chloe: that's not fair! That not fair! You're cheating!

Y/n:(surprise) eh?

He gets down on one knee, trying to calm down his daughter, but she continues with her little rant.

Chloe: You have been cheating the whole time! I'm too small to see that! But for you, it's easy since you're bigger!!

Y/n: Chloe, I was given my height to stand a chance against you. Without it, your daddy won't be able to compete at all.

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