Extra: a future with you

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Before this starts; I'll be posting extra chapters every 2- 4 days until the next rwby volume comes out depending on the support. The extras will contain things like y/n and Weiss future together or even a behind the sense type of thing, I don't know yet but I hope you all like it. ALSO this might or might  not be cannon yet depending on what will happen in the future of rwby.


Peace, something that everyone wanted in their travels... and after years of pain and suffering they finally got it, the war against Salem was over. Now that they're free it's time to live their lives. Their leader ruby return back home with her father and after deciding on what to do; she continue to work as a huntress following in her mother footsteps dawning a smilier white cape.  Yang along with Charlie stayed with tai for a couple of weeks before getting a house of their own; they got married a few months after. Yang just like her sister continue to be a huntress traveling across the world while Charlie with the help of Oscar begins to restore beacon to its former glory. Blake returns to her home in Menagerie; she helped her parents disband the white fang before going back to vale living with yang and Charlie for now until she can afford a new place, and our favorite celestial and ice queen what they been up to? Well let see...

Y/n:(looks in the mirror) okay... y/n; you fought hundreds of demons... killed hundreds of powerful foes in the past, you're a king...a god. How hard can this be?.

Y/n was inside a changing room wearing a tuxedo pacing back and forth a bit nervous; it was until to someone chuckles, he looks to see Charlie leaning against the door frame.

Charlie:(mocking) oh.. it was going to be easy he says. Oh stop over reacting, you made it hard then it seems boo ho.

Y/n: oh shut it you wanker.

Charlie:(laughs, walking to his cousin) see it's not that easy, but how are you feeling?

Y/n: I don't know, I have seen and been through a lot but now it's like all of that never happened.

Charlie: that's what marriage do to you cuz. Look just relax and just act like your normal self out there.

Y/n:(sighs) yeah, I'm just surprise that all of this happening to someone like me, you know.

Charlie: yeah I do; but I believe that out of everyone in this world you deserve this the most. The way you over come any obstacles; change your live for the better. The same goes for Weiss, both of you earn this.

Y/n:(smiles) thank you, honestly it means a lot.

Charlie: no worries, I'll be outside since it's almost time.

Y/n: right see ya.

Charlie leaves the room leaving y/n alone looking back at the mirror, he took one deep breath while closing his eyes then exhale opening them up again. He suddenly sense a strange power coming from behind he quickly turn around meeting with his father.

Lucifer: hello, son.

Y/n: dad?, you're here why?

Lucifer: what do you think?

Y/n: no.. you can't be serious? The Crisis is happening now!? It only been 3 years!

Lucifer: what? No you idiot.

Y/n: huh? Then why are you-

Lucifer: so I cant come to my own son wedding? Wow that's a punch in the face.

Y/n: wait that's why you're here?

Lucifer: of course, what else I'll be here for?

Y/n:(smiles) I don't know, but Thank god...I'm happy that your here though ; I just kinda wish mom was here also.

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