Extra: Interview the cast of "Son Of Lucifer"

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I have been wanting to do this and to get a little break from "a future with you"; this chapter is like a what if this book was an actual show and some of the cast are being interviewed after the latest season; don't take this seriously it's just for fun. Also since abstract is a weird name to say in an interview we'll go with my old one silver.

Ashly: Welcome back to top question; I'm your host Ashly Lee and today we're sitting next to someone from the new hottest show Rwby The Son Of Lucifer; the devil son himself, silver welcome to the show.

Silver: Hello; thank you for having me.

Ashly: It's weird that you're the only one with a different name then from the show.

Silver:(laughs) yeah; a lot of people tell me that.

Ashly: why did they decide to put all of the cast first names into the show but not yours?

Silver: honestly I don't know; i just think they just Like everyone except mine.

Ashly: I wouldn't be surprised; anyways before we start I just been wanting to say congrats on season 4.

Silver: thank you so much.

Ashly: what was your favorite part about that season?

Silver: I think my favorite part was playing Zeke; just because it reminds me of Y/n old self you know? Like Zeke was a dark person who didn't care what happened to anyone else, he just only cared about completing his mission but at the end showed his true self and intentions.

Ashly: I remember watching it and saw the relationship that Weiss and y/n was building but then later found out that it wasn't him; I couldn't handle it.

Silver:(laugh) That was like the point of it all really; like I remembered I was telling the writers that I wanted the audience to somewhat be on their toes at all times.

Ashly: some say they made it too obvious.

Silver: oh, that was the whole point; I wanted people to yell at their screens telling Weiss that it wasn't y/n who she was kissing.

Ashly:(laughs) you're evil; anyways let's get to the main question.

Silver: okay.

Ashly: So you 've been playing y/n Morningstar for some time now; how did you ended up getting the role?

Silver: ummm it's weird; you see I never meant to get the role.

Ashly: really?

Silver: yeah; uh you see Me and Weiss the real one are childhood friends, and she knew that I haven't been cast yet to be a star on another show so a few nights after she was casted here she gave me call and ask if me if I wanted to be a star on this show; I was kinda curious so I ask what was this show about and all she said was that it was a somewhat of a spin-off of Lucifer, so I told her I'll come by and see; so when I did the director just look at me and snap his finger saying that I was the one; now I'm here.

Ashly: wow; honestly I think everyone got to thank Weiss because I can't see another person having the role of Y/n; what did your parents think of you becoming the son of the devil?

Silver: my parents aren't that religious; but my grandma, uncle and aunts are; so when the first episode aired worldwide I got like hundreds of messages and phone calls about how I shouldn't be doing this but after some explaining they understood.

Ashly: you're lucky; not a lot of families would have let it go just like that.

Silver: Wellu you know; I also said that I'm an adult so leave me alone.

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