What A Week (s4)

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The sudden sound of an alarm woke up Weiss, causing her to groan and rub her tired eyes. She looks over at the alarm shutting it off; and saw that it was 5am causing her to groan once more; she close her eyes turning over to the other side trying to get more sleep. Weiss then open her eyes slightly but was enough to see y/n laying next to her with a smug look on his face.

Y/n: morning beautiful.

Weiss  eyes shoots wide Open as she let out a little scream falling off the bed with the blanket; y/n peaks his head  over the bed.

Y/n; you know I was expecting something else, but this is fine.


Y/n: um, actually this is mine and Charlie room.

Weiss: what?...

She looks around to see that she was actually in his room and begins to panic

Weiss: no..no..no...no...

She peaks under the blanket to see that she's not in her normal clothes but instead wearing his shirt that fits her like a dress.

Weiss: no...no... please don't tell me we...

Y/n: oh, did we~~~ my, my... I didn't know how demanding you were~~

Weiss looks at y/n in complete shocked; y/n couldn't hold it in anymore and begins to laugh. She realize what was going on.

Weiss:(blush bright red) Y/N! That isn't funny!

Y/n:(holding his stomach) not my fault, you walk right into it!

Weiss: wait... so we didn't do... it...

Y/n:(calms down) we didn't do anything; I don't know what happen but you walk in here around(looks at the clock) 11pm to 1 am without saying a word and just completely passed out on the bed next to me.

Weiss: but, the shirt?

Y/n: oh, that? That shirt I wear under the suit.

Weiss: I know but how Am I wearing it!?

Y/n: well you kinda came in with clothes that didn't look comfortable to sleep in; so I change you up real quick.

Weiss:But... that means... you saw...

Y/n: did you forget that I can move faster then light itself so it was easy to do so without seeing( looks at Weiss up and down) all that....beside what kind of lover will I be if I did that without permission?

Weiss:(blushing) this is way to much to deal with this early in the morning...

Y/n: you tell me; anyways there's some meeting we have to go to; so your outfit is on the chair over there and feel free to use our bathroom to take care of your morning routine.

Weiss:(gets up and grabs her clothes) thank you... what are you going to do?

Y/n: probably get more sleep; I didn't know sleeping with you will be such a struggle, you took all of the  blankets and repeatedly hit me across the face...

Hiding her face from embarrassment she rushed inside the bathroom. Y/n cracks a smile laying back down.


Y/n walks inside the briefing room with a cup of coffee in his hands; he saw Charlie and Weiss standing there waiting for the others, he smiles as he walks over.

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