The New Way (s5)

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The scene starts with y/n lying back against a small boulder,  playing with the same coin from pervious chapters ago. He comes to a halt after a few flips, sensing a small surge of power nearby. Knowing where it was coming from, he stood up and walked over to the pool of blood, which was finally starting to resemble his aunt. She grunts, half of her body regenerated, as the pain was far too much for her to bear. Y/n stomps his foot in front of his aunt, startling her.

Y/n: Aunty!!! Damn you appear to have taken a beating.

All she can see is blurriness due to her vision still slowly regenerating. She tries to focus on where the voice came from, and as things become clearer, she notices y/n looking down on her with a commanding aura surrounding him.

Salem: Zeke? Have you returned?

He has to play it smart because he knows she'll use Zeke against him. He takes a step closer to the fallen with a smirk.

Y/n: I'm not him, believe it or not.

Salem: (aware) y/n!?

Y/n: ding ding!! Congratulations, you are correct.

She tries to get up now that her entire body has healed, but y/n stomps her back down to the ground. He starts walking around her, looking to see if she has anything up her sleeve.

Salem:What did you do to Zeke!?

Yes, and there it is, Salem will play it smart as well, using the dead demigod to her advantage, but y/n used to play the same way, so he won't be taken in too easily.

Y/n: (fixing his coat) Oh, you know, he's no longer around. Don't expect him to show up at our next family gathering.

Salem: Where is Zeke!?

Y/n: (glares) you'll be going to the same place if you don't shut your mouth.

Salem: (laughs) you killed you're going to kill me.

Her nephew begins waving his hands in a comical manner.

Y/n: (laughs) Aunty, take your finger off the trigger; I'm not here to kill you.

Salem: What gives you the impression that I'll believe anything you say?

Y/n: (raised brow) really? If I wanted you dead, you'd know. I'd have burned your pool of blood to a crisp.

He crouchs down and looks her in the eyes. Salem is terrified by something about y/n, but she has no idea what it is. She knows, however, that if she wants to see the next day, she must avoid provoking him.

Salem: So, what brings you here?

Y/n: (smiles) I'm here to give you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

His aunt looks at him with disbelief.

Salem: an opportunity?

He nods before rising to his feet. He then moves to the side, allowing his aunt to get up; y/n understands that Salem may be afraid to do anything. All he has to do now is make sure she isn't aware of his returned abilities.

Y/n: we both know what we want; you want vengeance on god, while I want peace on my planet, but with this war going on, more people are dying than I'd like. I know you don't care, but I do, so I'm here to tell you that I'd be happy to assist you in obtaining the relic.

Salem: What are you talking about?

Y/n takes a deep breath and rubs the back of his neck.

Y/n: I understand the difficulty of comprehension, but know this: I don't care what happened between us. I don't care what happened between you and Charlie just now. I've been on the sidelines for far too long; for the last few months, I've been betting on a team that has shown no signs of progress. Those days are over, and I'm going to act once more by handing you the relic.

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